Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

Last of the coaches

The last of the coaches

Hand-Coloured stone lithograph, glazed, red stained wood frame 8 1/2 x 10 3/4" Frame 12 x 14 1/2"
Ref. GH85(140) /DNN /r.ando>DOL     PRICE CODE B

This poignant image depicts the end of one era and the beginning of the next – the Victorian industrial age. The Royal Mail coach service, begun in the 1780s, flourished until the coming of the railways in 1830. It was not long before mail was being carried by the cheaper and faster railway and the coaches were phased out. This picture shows the London to Louth, Lincolnshire, coach being loaded onto the railway and the four horses which would have drawn it being led away. (c1840).

Temporary Locomotive Gt Vic Bridge Mont

Temporary Locomotive, workmens houses and workshops Great Victoria Bridge, Montreal
Together with: Construction of the Great Victoria Bridge in Canada.

by James Hodges, engineer, to Messrs. Peto, Brassey, and Betts, contractors. Title page designed by John Thomas. Kell Bros. Lithographers. Privately printed for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. London 1860.

Colour stone lithograph. published by John Weare London 1860 8 1/4 x11 3/8” (21x 28.9 cm)

This fine image depicts one of the temporary locomotives built to assist in the construction of The Great Victoria Bridge across the St Lawrence river at Montreal. The Bridge is one of the great engineering achievements of the 19th century. At the time of its construction it was the largest bridge project in the world. It was also the last major project of the last of the "legendary" engineering figures of the Victorian era of engineering, Robert Stephenson. The Grand Trunk, a British company formed with the support of the Canadian government to connect the Great Lakes with the Atlantic, would achieve the great feat of building the first bridge over the St. Lawrence River.

The Victoria Bridge, built between 1854 and 1859 and inaugurated by the Prince of Wales in 1860, was the crucial piece in the "longest railway in the world owned by a single company," as the shareholders of the time boasted (the other systems consisted of small, independent railways). No less than three miles long, the bridge included 24 ice-breaking piers, for the designers rightly feared damage from ice, which would in fact delay construction work during the first years. The original deck was a long structural metal tube made of wrought iron prefabricated sections designed by Robert Stephenson, son of the builder of the famed 'Rocket locomotive', made in England and shipped transatlantic.

Together with

Title pg Gt Vic Bridge


The chief engineer was James Hodges. The contractors were the English partnership of Petro, Brassey, and Betts, who completed the bridge shortly after Stephenson's death in 1859.
In 1897-1898, the metal tube from 1860 was replaced by metal trusses, common at the time. To minimize traffic disruptions, the trusses were assembled around the tube, while the tube continued to carry train traffic. The tube was then demolished.

The stone piers from 1860, slightly altered in 1897, still testify to the excellent original engineering. The Victoria Bridge is a key historic structure, one still used by the Canadian—and North American—rail systems, and remains a major contributor to Montreal's role as a continental hub.

NB E&NA Tender a NB E&NA tender b

European and North American Railway – New Brunswick Tender A & Tender B

Tender forms for work to be completed section 05 1857 Sailsbury District page size 13 x 8 ¼” (33x 21cm)
Ref.LRAp- /-/l.doov >LN       PRICE CODE A

Stock Cert PH B& L railway

SCARCE Original Stock certificate Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway Company

(Later Midland Railway) £100 stg. 1860-1880 with all its individually signed by Thomas Ridout (Sec). coupons intact. This original lithographic stock certificate may still be legal tender. Sheet 21 ¾ x 16 5/8” (53.3x 42.2 cm)
Ref.LRAp- /-/s.doov >OOL       PRICE CODE D

“The Southern Terminus of this Railway is in the Town of Port Hope; at this terminus there is now in course of construction, and intended to be completed simultaneously with the Railway, a capacious and secure artificial Harbour, which will be, not only the best on the north Shore of Lake Ontario between Kingston and Toronto, but will also be the only one entitled to be considered a Harbour of Refuge. At this point the Railway forms a convenient connexion with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada.”  1856 Directory

The new railway received its charter on 18 December 1854 as The Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway Company (PHL&B). With the failure of the Cobourg and Peterborough railway, the PHL&B now had exclusive access to Peterborough, which they retained for some time. Further expansions were slow in coming. The line did not reach its planned terminus in Beaverton until 1 January 1871. Construction reached Lindsay in late 1857.

The Port Hope, Lindsay & Beaverton Railway, became much longer line than originally planned. A further expansion launched in 1869 pushed the line westward towards Georgian Bay, and prompted renaming as the Midland Railway of Canada was a historical Canadian railway which ran from Port Hope, Ont. to Midland on Georgian Bay. On 10 March 1882 became a greatly expanded Midland Railway with 474 miles (763 km) of track. two years later the Grand Trunk Railway leased most of the lines in the area as part of a major expansion plan, and purchased them outright in 1893. It was eventually absorbed into the Canadian National Railway system.


Laying the foundation stone of the Victoria Bridge Severn Valley Railway.

Wood engraving. Illustrated London News December 17 1859 9 3/8 x 13 3/8” (13.8 x 34cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /r.dose >DS        PRICE CODE A

This key cast iron railway bridge was constructed over the Severn River at Arley in Worcestershire England, over the River Severn. At the time of construction, it had the longest cast iron span in Britain. Though not on the main line rail network, the bridge is still used today by the trains of the preserved Severn Valley Railway which has become a popular heritage line.
The original line which followed a 64km route was constructed 1858-62, and opened to through traffic on 31st January 1862 with public services commencing the following day. The bridge was designed by the railway’s chief engineer John Fowler (1817-98, knighted 1885) and constructed by contractors Thomas Brassey (1805-70), Samuel Morton Peto (1809-89) and Edward Ladd Betts (1815-72). The same contractors that engineered the Great Victoria Bridge in Montreal Canada. The ironwork was fabricated by the Coalbrookdale Company.

Charing Cross

Charing Cross Railway works, Monster Iron girder bridge at the London Bridge Railway station.
 Wood engraving.  Illustrated London News  17 October 1863   9 ½ x 13 ½  (24.2 x 34.3 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /r.dose >AL   PRICE CODE A
Engraved by M Jackson. In 1859 the original bridge was bought by the railway company extending the South Eastern Railway into the newly opened Charing Cross Railway station. The railway company replaced the suspension bridge with a structure designed by Sir John Hawkshaw, which opened in 1864. To span the width of the Thames between Southwark and the City, a 706-foot long iron girder bridge was erected on a series of cast-iron columns, these in turn being built upon brick and concrete bases. The bridge was designed to carry five parallel lines; on the immediate approach to the station, a further four tracks were spouted, and in total, eight platform faces were to be in use.


General view of the works for the London Chatham and Dover Railway bridge at Blackfriars.
 Wood engraving.  Illustrated London News  3 October 1863   9 5/8 x 13 5/8”  (24.5 x 34.6 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /r.dose >AL   PRICE CODE A
The red pillars we see today are what remains of Old Blackfriars Railway Bridge, which was built in 1864 by engineer Joseph Cubitt (1811-1872) for the London, Chatham and Dover Railway (LC&DR). The bridge brought trains across the Thames between the original Blackfriars Bridge station (south of the Thames) and Ludgate Hill station (closed in 1929). The railway bridge was dismantled in the 1980s.



Disaster to the ‘Flying Dutchman’ express on the Great Western Railway
Wood engraving.  Illustrated London News  5 August 1876   6 ¾ x 8 3/8” (17.2 x 21.3 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /r.dose >DL   PRICE CODE A
The Flying Dutchman was a named passenger train service from London Paddington to Exeter, St. Davids.  It ran from 1849 until 1892, originally over the Great Western Railway (GWR) and then the Bristol and Exeter. As the GWR expanded, the destination of the train changed to Plymouth and briefly to Penzance.
On the 27 July 1876, an accident occurred at Long Ashton near Bourton Station, when the up 'Flying Dutchman' train hauled by 4-2-4 broad gauge tank locomotive No 2001 was derailed at speed (50 MPH) on a downward gradient. The driver, William Dunscombe aged 45, and fireman, James Randall aged 23, were killed and the locomotive was withdrawn. Captain Tyler, the Chief Inspector of railways, concluded that the accident was caused by the poor condition of the permanent way.

Flying Scotchman

Accident to ‘Flying Scotchman’[sic] at Heeley Station 1876

Wood engraving.
  Illustrated London News 2 December 1876   6 ¼   x 8 3/8” (15.9 x 21.3 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /r.dose >DL   PRICE CODE A

November 22, 1876, the "Flying Scotsman" was traveling between 30 and 40 mph when "the hind portion dashed into the station" at Heeley, a mile out of Sheffield, according to the December 2, 1876 issue of the "Illustrated London News." Here is the original text.
“The night express-train on the Midland Railway to Scotland, which has been jocularly called by this nickname, met with an alarming accident on the night of Tuesday week. The train left St. Pancras at 9.15 that night, and was due at Sheffield at one o'clock next morning. The accident took place at the Heeley station, a mile distant from Sheffield, where ordinary trains usually stop for the collection of tickets, while express-trains run through to Sheffield station. At the time of the accident, it is said, the train was going at the rate of thirty or forty miles an hour; and, when at a distance of about a hundred yards south of the Heeley station, the hind portion of the train left the rails. The couplings broke and, while the first part of the train went on in the direction of Sheffield, the hind portion dashed into the station and became a complete wreck. There were two Pullman sleeping-cars in the train, and the couplings broke at the first of these. This carriage, leaving the hind portion of the train, came crashing along over the sleepers, and, at the entrance to the station, came into collision with the semaphore outside the signalman's box, which was thrown down to the platform. Mounting the platform, the car and the remainder of the carriages ran along for a distance of about fifty yards, in their course smashing up the platform as if it were a structure of cardboard. The Pullman car was then brought to a stop by being thrown upon its side, falling away from the platform and blocking the up rails. The front bogie-wheels remained on the platform, but those behind were driven into the carriage immediately in the rear. A distance of fifty yards separated this carriage from the second Pullman car, the couplings of which had broken immediately after the separation from the main body of the train. This car was off the rails, but remained upright. The other carriages that followed were smashed. Fortunately there were but few passengers in the train, and it seems marvellous that any of them escaped. Only five were injured, and, except in one case, none of the injuries are of a serious character. There were six passengers in the first of the Pullman cars, and only one passenger in the second. At the time of the accident there was no one at the station, but two policemen happened to be not far distant. They at once called up the station-master, and rendered what assistance they could. By that time most of the passengers had managed to scramble out of the carriages. The first part of the train was brought back to the station, and the passengers taken on to Sheffield, where they received the attention of medical men. With but one exception, they resumed their journey in a special train. Our Illustration, showing the position of the overturned carriages, is from a sketch by Mr. W. Topham.


The Lightning Express
Offset colour lithograph after Currier & Ives,(1870) published by The Travellers Insurance Co. October 1966.
9 1/8 x 13 5/8” (23.2 x 34.6 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /l.doov >AN   PRICE CODE A   SOLD
 A popular reproduction of Currier & Ives small folio image. Ideal for framing.

 express train
The Express Train
Offset colour lithograph after Currier & Ives,(1870) published by The Travellers Insurance Co. February 1961.
9 1/8 x 13 3/8” (23.2 x 34 cm.)
Ref.LRA-p /- /l.doov >AN   PRICE CODE A   SOLD
 A popular reproduction of Currier & Ives small folio image. Ideal for framing.