Wrest was later modified by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown in a more informal landscape style. and now contains a memorial to him. The Grade 1 listed formal parterre, restored Italian and rose gardens with their fragrant borders still surround the mansion, their origins may be seen in this view. When new designs were introduced as fashions changed, new parts of the estate were designed to reflect such new ideas but the areas designed to an earlier fashion were largely left rather than all being converted to the new ideas. The result is a garden with different parts in a variety of 300 years of different historical style the gardens are particularly of interest to those interested in the history of garden design.The gardens are currently being restored to their original splendour.
The park with its woodland walks is divided by a wide gravel central walk, continued as a long canal that leads to a Baroque style pavilion designed by Thomas Archer and completed in 1711. Indeed the gardens are noted for their canals, originally a novelty in England.
Published in:
Johannes Kip &
Leonard Knyff, Britannia Illustrata: Or Views of Several of the Queen's Palaces, also of the Principal seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain, Curiously Engraven on 80 Copper Plates. London (1707) [1708/9]. These images are both architecturally and archeologically significant for the information it gives us about this great period in British architecture and landscape design.
Plate Size: 13 3/4 x 18 5/8" (35 x47.3 cm.) Ref.AR15 /DNN/l.andl> GLN Pair PRICE CODE C