
The following is a brief synopsis of what is available (and you are missing) in this section.

kelly British Colonies in N. Amer

SECTION 8 - The intrepid Alexander Mackenzie and the Nor'westers  

The introduction relates the history of the North West Company and its rivals and early surveyors who explored the interior of Northern Canada and in particular the incredible expeditions and contribution to the mapping of the Canadian interior by the intrepid Alexander Mackenzie, his dog and cousin. The relevance and importance of their discoveries today.
Four original antique maps including one by Mackenzie detailing his route and a scarce German map, are fully described to international standards and their significance detailed.
"The Pacific northwest coast line had now been delineated, the continent traversed by land. Exploration now focused on the delineation of the Arctic. With the Napoleonic wars finally at an end, a new era of exploration was about to unfold. "

The full research information and cataloging details of the items in this section however, are available to purchasers only.


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