These descriptions are abreviated, the full story is available with the purchase of these fine images.

The unpretentious little village of Gretna Green located one mile inside the boarders of Scotland on the historic coaching road between London and Edinburgh, and as such, was the goal of enterprising runaway couples from England. Under a more liberal Scottish law that existed before 1856, all that was needed to constitute legal marriage was a solemn declaration of willingness, before two witnesses: residential qualifications were not necessary. The enterprising blacksmith at Gretna Green, for a consideration of course, would hastily perform the rough and ready formalities. He did rather well with his sideline, joining over 1,000 in wedlock in front of his anvil. Once the word got about of the lucrative trade, the Innkeeper of the Toll Inn decided that he too should get a piece of the action, over and above his tariff for lodgings, performing an 'all in' package for some 1,300 in six years...........
1. A False Alarm: Witness the consternation of the young heiress during a hasty change of horses at a coaching inn (The artist's name is on the sign board). Seated in her lover's Phæton, when the noise of approaching hooves, the snorting of the straining horses, the chink of metal harness and wheels is suddenly upon them. From behind the stable appears the York to Edinburgh mail coach. It passes without stopping.... Fortunately a false alarm ! but enough to make the bosom of the would-be-bride heave with stress and emotion........
2. One mile from Gretna: A speeding Phæton carries a love-matched, eloping couple across the Scottish border to their unsanctioned, if not illicit, wedding destination; when atop a recently crossed hill, their traveling companions and witnesses espy a coach-and-four. Through his spyglass he recognizes the figure of a pursuing parent alighting from the stopped coach. The beau, grasping the hand of his anxious would-be-bride, stands up to offer a purse of coin as an extra incentive to the postillions to urge the horses that last mile to the village. It will be nip and tuck to have the smithy or the innkeeper to conduct an anvil ceremony, but wait ! Hope is at hand, ........
In this condition, these are a fine investment quality pair, and should not be confused with modern restrikes or the 1845 Fores set of 16 Newhouse Roadsters.