Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

Master tailors of Paris 1901-2

A splendid sartorial image perfect for Father’s Day

Société Philanthropique des Maitres Tailleurs de Paris. Plate 902    Saison D'Hiver 1901-1902
Philanthropic society of Master-Tailors of Paris. Fashions for Winter season 1901/02] 

Scarce original hand-coloured stone lithograph plate, on heavy wove paper.  Image size 21 /4 x14" (55.3 x 35.5 cm.)  
 Ref. LRA 1260/DSE/ v.dnon > OOL    PRICE CODE  D

Beneath the full colour armorial bearings of the Philanthropic Society of Master Tailor of Paris are depicted, four of the then latest fashion gentleman's suits 1. Black formal Evening-dress suit with tails, waist coat and white bow tie, white gloves.  2. Walking suit with double breasted Frock-coat and herring-bone striped grey trousers, top-hat and white kid gloves, silver topped walking cane   3.  Business suit Herring-bone waist coated vest & front slit pocked, charcoal grey broad-striped trousers and single breasted shaped long jacket, Top hat tan kid gloves.  4. Walking suit with single breasted patch pocket long jacket and matching straight-cut gray trousers top hat, yellow kid gloves & walking cane, together with, 5. A ladies gray walking dress beneath a very elegant fur trimmed long double-breasted high neck burgundy red coat matching yellow and burgundy floral & feather hat, white kid gloves silver topped umbrella.
These plates were considered to be the height of Parish fashion and most certainly influenced the fashion for the season and probably succeeding ones. The Philanthropic society of Tailors of Paris was founded 1st June 1831 evolved into the Society of Master Tailors 1834.

Fashion plates detailing Gentleman's fashions are surprisingly scarce, especially ones of this quality and have become highly collectable. Framed, they add a sophisticated elegance to any dressing-room and would make a perfect Father’s Day gift.


The Irish Hood

The Irish Hood  (aka. The Kinsale cloak)
Daniel Maclise (Draughtsman)

Stipple engraving.   general overall foxing  5  1/8 x 3 ¾”    13 x 9.5 cm

Portrait of woman with hooded cloak. She is praying, and holding a rosary.
Inscribed in ImageD. Mc.Clise A.R.A.[sic] / H. Robinson. / Printed by Alfred Adlard.
Caption outside of boundaries of image – The Irish Hood.

“When the Irish girl travels, however, if it should be from one cottage to another, she wears a cloak, generally blue, which is, perhaps, the only national dress extant in her country.”  Irish women of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries adopted the hooded cloak as a general-purpose outdoor garment. These cloaks varied in colour throughout Ireland, being red in Cork and blue in Waterford, but the material was always a quality melton, which has a wool pile.

The Kinsale Cloak, also known as the West Cork Cloak or Irish Cloak, evolved from cloaks which were worn throughout Europe since at least the Bronze Age. Worn since prehistoric times in Ireland, by the early historic period, the outer wrap garment had become a four-cornered "brat" of almost rectangular shape. In a 1904 discovery in Armoy, County Antirm, Ireland, late Bronze Age tools were found wrapped in a woolen brat sewn from two pieces of wool, giving evidence that cloaks were worn in Ireland as far back as 750 BC.: 15 
Likely by 600 AD, the brat had evolved into a cape-like shape of the type worn in the drawing of St. Matthew in the Book of Durrow (dated to shortly after 600 AD), which was fitted at the shoulders and reached to below the knees.

In the sixteenth century, when cloaks became common items of dress in Europe, woolen weather-proof cloaks evolved in Ireland. However, English laws passed during the reign of HenryVIII tried to get rid of the cloak as an item of dress in Ireland. During the Elizabethan Wars, the cloak was especially frowned-upon because it was associated with rebellion: it was both warm and waterproof, and it enabled Irish fighting men to remain out in the hills in the worst of weather. "A fit house for an outlaw, a meet bed for a rebel, and an apt cloak for a thief", wrote Edmund Spenser, an English poet who lived in the Elizabethan era, describing the Irish cloak at the end of the sixteenth century.

The Jews harp

The Jew's Harp
Daniel Maclise (Draughtsman), Henry Richard Cook (Engraver)

Stipple engraving. General overall foxing.  5 x 4”    12.6 x10.1 cm  Black & gilt frame  8 ¾ x 6 ¾ 

Portrait of an rather well dressed country girl, playing a Jew’s harp, with another attached to her dress. She is wearing a finely striped low-cut, waisted jacket and beneath it a very full dress or skirt. Both have a slight sheen, suggesting silk or very fine cotton. Her soft wide-brimmed bonnet is gathered by a ribbon at the crown. She is seated in front of a masonry arch, beside a rock pool from which water is pouring into a large pitcher. Published in Ireland Picturesque and Romantic  Published London: Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1837-1838 opp p63. Luggala or Fancy Mountain - Mountain - Approximate location of the scene Co.Wicklow.  “It was almost dark before I reached the Roundwood road; and this was in part the fault of a harp whose plaintive tones allured me into a cottage. In the annexed engraving the reader will see both harp and harper, the latter a young peasant girl, and the former an instrument composed of iron, with a steel tongue, and about two inches long, by an inch and a half at the greatest breadth.”

1960's Fashion Girl

1900 -1981

[Fashion Girl, 1960's]

A beautifully fresh life study, in watercolour & wash, of a 1960's fashionable girl dressed in a tartan dress with bodice top, her hair coifed in the style of the time and adorned with a wide ribbon. This was the period of the 'London Scene' of 'Mods & Rockers'; Mary Quant and 'Twiggy'

15 1/2 x 6 ½ "   Frame 23  x 18"
Ref. 430 RI 344 /DAL/v.annr >RLN   SOLD    PRICE CODE B

Gentlemen's fashions1833

Anon. Gentlemen’s Fashions 1833
Hand coloured Aquatint, Matted, Glazed, Gilt-wood frame
9 1/2 x 22 1/2 Frame 15 1/2 x 28 1/2 Ref GH /DLN/ a. ando>RGN  PRICE CODE C    SOLD

four American Victorian Dresses American Victorian Walking Dresses

Ladies Fashion plates ca 1865-75.

Probably American depicting both Victorian hooped skirt fashion dresses and, in separate panel above, Millenary; with attractive indoor and outdoor backgrounds.
Capewell & Kimmel sc.
Hand tinted Lithographs, matted, glazed gilt-wood frame
12 x 9 3/8" Fr.18 x 14 1/4 " Ref. RC3&4/ LN ea/r.anda >DGL Each PRICE CODE B

19th centry American magazines such as Godey's Lady's Book (1830-1898), Peterson's Magazine (1842-1898) and Graham's, satisfied a desire for those who were socially mobile to become aware of refined taste in manners, art and literary elements without too much effort.  It pandered to the insecurities of an emerging class coming together from many nations and merging as one in a new American society. 



Millinery Fashions 1880 1 Millinery Fashions 1880 2
illinery Fashions 1880 4 illinery Fashions 1880 3

French Millinery Fashions 1880
Modes de Paris- Journals des Demoiselles Octobre 1880
Hand tinted lithographs. Published by Dupuy & fils. Paris.

Plate 3725 designs by Madame Denne Baron

Approx. 10 1/4 x 6 5/8 (26 x 16.8 cm.) matted.
[914 x 61/4]
Ref LRA934a-d/-/s.dood DNN each       PRICE CODE A

Coiffure 1 french coiffure 2
french Coiffure 3 French Coiffure 4

Fashionable French Ladies hair styles ~ Coiffure.
Le Petit Messager Journal des Modes
64 Rue Ste. Anne Paris 1865/6
Each of the Coiffures attributed to their creator who is listed blow image.
Hand tinted lithographs Michelet Paris

Paper size 11 1/8 x 8 1/8 (28.3 x 26 cm)

Ref LRA 1377a-d /DN ea/ o.dose> DNN each     PRICE CODE A

la petit echo de la mode

Le Petit Echo de la Mode
 Dimanche 13 Mai 1900 XX No. 19 XXII year

Four double-sided conjoined newsprint pages, Excellent condition, some overall light browning due to age, containing illustrated fashions; contemporary advertisements; finer points of needlework, fashion accessories and fashion comment. PLUS the original supplement gratis of tissue paper patterns for the making of Ladies Cycling Pantaloons. Editor in chief: Baronne de Clessy.  Printer: Orsoni Paris. 1900.
Cover 17 ¾ x 12” (45 x 30.5cm) Ref. LRA. /-/ l.doon>DNN    SOLD       PRICE CODE A

 The hand-tinted front cover of this 1900 edition depicts two highly fashionable Parisienne models, of the Miles Balmain sisters salon, wearing toilettes de ville (town walking dresses) with elegant flowing lines and embroidery, amazingly slim corseted waists, millenary and parasol. In the background may be seen a vintage 1900 automobile.
The highly successful French female fashion magazine Le Petit Echo de La Mode was published for over 100 years.
Founded in Paris by Charles Huon de Penanster in 1879, the last issue was on the news stands in 1983, having been published weekly throughout (most of) that time.
It began as a weekly, illustrated newspaper featuring the modes and manners of the day, over time it was transformed into a magazine with a smaller but glossier format, similar to the fashion magazines of today.
The importance and influence of the publication can be seen from the distribution figures, which rose from around 200,000 a week in the early years to a peak of 1 million in the 1960s. In 1900 the circulation was 300,000 copies
The numbers being eventually unsustainable circulation numbers dropped, in the early 1980s the magazine was sadly no longer viable, and ceased publication in 1983.

1900 cycling pants pattern