Ca. 1700 - 1777
Vedute di Madrid: Anfiteatro per gli Spettacoli delle Feste de Tori eretto l'anno 1750. fuori della porta di Alcala a Madrid, per commando di S.M.C. Ferdinando VI.
: Ill.mo Sig.r Sig.r e Pro_ne Colmo_ Sig.r Giuseppe Henry_. Questa e la prima Stampa d'uno dei Quadri, che V.S. Ill.ma mi comando di dipingerle, delle Vedute di Madrid, ove era Ella riguardata qual perfetto Esemplare del vero Cavaliere Inglese: e percio_ mi do l onore di presentarglela col maggiore ossequio. / Antonio Iolli Architetto e Pittore di S.M.C.
SCARCE. Mixed media etching & copper engraving, matted, glazed, silver gilt frame
Plate size: 17 1/3 x 26 1/6” (44 x 66.2 cm) Frame: 25 ¾ x 34 ¼”
Ref. KS1(157) /ONN/s.andv> DONN PRICE CODE F
One of a series of Views of Madrid: The Amphitheater for the Festival of the Bulls (Bull ring). View of the bull-ring in Madrid, with the different stages of a bull-fight depicted in the arena as simultaneous, watched by a crowd of spectators; title within scroll above, description and explanation of a bullfight, dedication within rococo cartouche and lettered key to the print below.
This scarce engraving is rarely seen on the market, only one copy having been recorded for sale by auction since the beginning of the decade. Commissioned by King Ferdinand VI of Spain (1711-59), with a written description and lettered key (right and left below image).
The name Antonio Jolli Architetto e Pittore di S. M. C. appears within ornate dedication panel (center bottom)
Antonio JOLI DE DIPI (Ca. 1700-1777) Painter & engraver, was born in Moderna, he first was apprenticed to Rafaello Rinaldi. He then studied in Rome under Giovanni Paolo Panini and in the studios of the Galli da Bibbiena family of scene-painters. He became a painter of stage sets in Modena and Perugia. In 1732 he moved to Venice, where he worked as stage-painter for opera productions at the Teatro di San Giovanni Grisostomo and the Teatro San Samuele of the Grimani family. In 1742 he went to Dresden, and then to London (1744–48) and Madrid (1750–54).