John JONES, after William Redmore BIGG
(1) BLACK MONDAY or the Departure for School
(2) DULCE DOMUM or the Return from School
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RARE. A pair of handsome colour printed Mezzotint engravings. in excellent condition aside from natural ageing of the wove paper. Published by W.R. Bigg, London, 1 December 1790.
Bottom left: Painted by W.R. Bigg followed by the letters:N (1.Black Monday) & A (2.Dulce Domun)
Bottom right: Engraved by John Jones./ (1) Principal Engraver to his R, H, the Duke of York (2) Extraordinary Engraver to his R, H, the Prince of Wales/and Principal Engraver to his R, H, the Duke of York
Bottom center: Pubd. as the Act directs. Decr.e/y 1st, 1790 by W.R.Bigg No 11, Tavestock Row, Covent garden.
I: 19 x 24" (48.3 x 61 cm) including letters
2: 19 x 24 1/8" (48.3 x 61.3 cm) including letters
Ref.KF1&2/SNN/v.andn > ENNN pr. Sold as a pair PRICE CODE H
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