Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

Links to Mini-Movies

The creation and posting of our series of mini-movies which bring selected paintings and prints to life through and audio-visual presentation have recieved much interest and many viewings below is a list of them with their quick links to you-tube. Remember, each of these items is for sale and may be found on our website, or contact us.

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Callow G. D. A life boat rescue

A Lifeboat rescue off the Scroby Sands

A dramatic rescue by the crew of an 19th. century open 'pulled' lifeboat takes place off the Scroby sands, England, is brought to life in this audio/visual presentation of the 1840 watercolour by George Dodgson Callow. Historical facts and sound effects are included. this has appeal for clients and collectors alike who wish to purchase this painting.


Catano the Pyramids

The Pyramids at Giza

The tranquility of an early 19th century morning on the Giza plateau before the age of mass tourism is captured in this audio/visual presentation of a watercolour painting through the eyes of the artist F. Catano. Historical facts and sound effects are included. This has appeal for clients and collectors alike who wish to purchase this painting.

off the Needles

Off the Needles

This mini-movie brings to life a painting of a square rigged ship rounding the coast of England's Isle of White , off the needles. It is described in detail with sound effects and soundtrack. with an overview of the artist's life and details of how to purchase the painting.


the family mill

The Family Mill

Set in a buccolic landscape, The artist has captured an idylic scene as we observe the miller's family enjoying a day of the family Grist Mill. Set in the heart of England's West country this is a fine example of Britiash Romanticism painting by an important artist.

The Battle of Drumclog

The Battle of Drumclog

A dramatic audio/visual presentation of the Scottish Battle that took place on Sunday June 1st. 1676 between the Covenanters and the Royalist army . Historical facts and sound effects are included. This has appeal for clients and collectors alike who wish to purchase this scarce antique print, especially those with links to the Scottish or Northern Irish Presbyterian faith.

waterloo banquet thumb

The Waterloo Banquet

The history and interesting backstory to the creation of the painting of the 1836 Waterloo Banquet after William Salter engraved by William Greatbach is narrated by Darrell Leeson with visual and sound effects.

artillery on tghemove to Lucknow

Artillery on the move to Lucknow

A train of two guns and troops of the Royal Indian Artillery are on the march toward Lucknow, in order to raise the second siege. The dust of semi-arid landscape of that hot November 1857 is apparent in the hot weather uniforms of the mounted troops and other foot ranks. The eventual relief of the siege uncovered unspeakable conditions. Atrocities and acts of revenge ended the Indian Mutiny and the abolition of the East India Company in 1858.


Westerbeek A Dutch Road

      Westerbeek Painting : A Dutch Road

The 19th. century watercolour painting "A Dutch road" by Cornelis Westerbeek Jr. is brought to life and interpreted in this audio-visual presentation for the enjoyment and purchase by clients and collectors alike.

Antq Baseline img

                   Dorset Street West                           ~ an enviornment worth preserving

The history and preservation of the historic street and its treed environment from First Nations to the present, is portrayed through antique and more reecnt photographs and maps with sound effects and narration.