Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.


An extract of our prints currently available:

Jacob, Henri Nicholas Il Pinco Golden Marmoset

jacon Marmoset

Nicolas Henri Jacob
Il Pinco. Quinta classe Simia OEdupus Lin Tavola LXIX.
Golden Lion Tamarin/ Golden Marmoset

Stipple-and-line engraving, 1812 [1822]Image size 11 3/8 x 7 ¾" (289 x 197 mm). matted glazed, gilt-wood frame : 21 x 15 ¼”

Ref. 30 TB13 /DLN/ o.andg > R0L       SOLD    PRICE CODE B

Ferdinando Artaria, Gioachimo Bettalli, Fratelli Ubicini & Hugues. From, "Storia Naturale Delle Scimie. Milan 1812 [1822] "being a natural history of Apes" engraved L. Rados after N. H. Jacob. Interesting and amusing anthropomorphic depiction with descriptive Italian text below image. The print is in good condition, and set into a gilt-wood frame.

This iconic work shows monkies from both the old and new world. The French painter Nicholas Henri Jacob (1782-1871) was responsible for the originals, from which Luigi Rados made stipple engravings. The work was modeled after Buffon, whose name appears on the title page, along with other great luminaries and scientists of the day. Nicolas Henri Jacob was a student of painter Jacques Louis David and the first professor of drawing at the National Veterinary School of Alfort (1818-1830).
The text begins “The Pinco is a beautiful animal whose voice resembles puittosto the singing of a small Ucello”

This edition is only in Italian language (the first of 1812 had the text in French and in German, but with 73 illus.). Cfr. Nissen, ZBI, 2080 - Brunet, III, 478.

jacob golden Marmoset