John Thomas Serres 1796 [1798 ]
A VERY RARE etched and hand coloured subscription print after the original painting by John Thomas Serres, of Liverpool from the Powder Magazine. Bears the dedication below, and upon each side of, the Arms of his Lordship. "To the Right Honble The Earl of Liverpool &c. &c.&c. by permission this view of Liverpool from the Powder Magazine is most humbly dedicated his Lordship’s most respectful and obedt servt Jon Thos Serres”
The background of this splendid image depicts the skyline of Liverpool with its cathedral,spires,warehouses and windmills. On the river Mersey ply a Privateer,to the left, and Merchantmen ‘barkey’s’ in the middle ground, whilst to the right is portrayed a Royal Naval Frigate, towing it’s jolly boat,.and in the foreground are numerous Ketch’s.
Despite some general light fading with the passage of 210 years, minor surface damage and trimmed lower border, this splendid image retains much of its characteristic blue and yellow tones that distinguish the works of John Thomas Serres, it remains a very pleasing, and highly desirable image.
Serres published four views of Liverpool in between 1796-8 which are considered very rare, and recorded in realizing prices in excess of £1,400 each. We are most fortunate to be offer two of these splendid images at a reasonable price.
VERY RARE Original handcoloured Etching, Matted,
16 3/8 x 21 1/4” (41.5 x 54cm.) PRICE CODE E Click Here for Pricing Details
Ref. MCB5/ OVL/ s.anng >DEOL SOLD