Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

Jubilee pagent plate IX

Ref. AR 22 Greil A. Jubilee Pageant Pl. IX

Carnival /pageant procession of the City of Vienna to celebrate the silver wedding of their Majesties the Emperor Franz Joseph I and Empress Elizabeth 27 April 1879.
Weiss, Carl (Ed.) Huldigungs-Festzug der Stadt Wien zur feier der Silbernen Hochzeit ihrer Majestaten Kaisers Franz Joseph I und der Kaiserin Elisabeth'.

Photogravure / Heilograph. Printed by the Gesellschaft für Vervielfältigende Kunst, Vienna,  1880-1. Most signed. Lettered with the publishers' and printers' names. Average size 10 1/2 x 29"

They would look absolutely stunning framed as a series, but are available individually.

Each EL/ DDN     PRICE CODE A    Click here for Price code guide


pagent plate X

Ref. AR 23 Hugo Charlemont. Jubilee Pageant Pl. X

pagent plate XVII
Ref. AR 24 Anon. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XVII

pagent plate XVIII
Ref. AR 25 Eichler H. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XVIII

pagent plate XIX
Ref. AR 26 Allemand S.L. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XIX   SOLD

pagent plate XXII
Ref. AR 27 Probst A. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XXII  SOLD

pagent palte XXIII
Ref. AR 28 Franz Rumpler. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XXIII

pagent plate XXIX
Ref. AR 29 Ney R. Jubilee Pageant Pl. XXIX  SOLD