Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

WWI posters header

An extract of our posters currently available:

Single men
Follow me
Everyone should do his bit
World War II poster

Original World War I Recruiting Posters [1914-15]

Printed for the
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London.

WW1 singele men recruiting poster

hundreds of thousands of married men have left their houses to fight for king and country SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION by following their noble example.

Depicting text, between images of the family home and troops at the front firing from a slit trench.

Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London #120.   Printed by the Abbey Press 32 & 34 Great Peter St, Westminster

SW. W8655 20M-8/15             Chromolithograph,      [Aug. 1915]                  Good colour, Excellent condition, aside from slight chipping to Left edge.

29 ½ x 19 3/8 " (75 x49.3 cm.)           Ref. LRA 2066/DLN/e.annv>LOL   SOLD    PRICE CODE C

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WW1 poster Follow me

Follow me …   your  country needs you

Depicting a half - length image of a marching soldier with his pack and rifle slung over his right shoulder.

Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London #11.   Printed by Hill Siffken & Co. (LAP Ltd) Grafton Works London.    W 8.105 25M 11/14  Chromolithograph by E/K[ing]. [Nov. 1914]      Mint condition & colour.

28 7/8 x 19" (73.3 x 48.3 cm.) Ref. LRA 2067/DLN/e.annv>LOL          SOLD                       PRICE CODE  C

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WW1 poster boy scout

Everyone should do his bit … Enlist Now

Depicting a Baden-Powell Boy Scout drummer, posing with his foot on a recruiting drum in front of a wall of seven recruiting posters, as he contemplates enlistment.

Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London #121.    Printed by Roberts & Leete Ltd.  London W6519/524 Chromolithograph by Baron Low. 1915.      Mint condition & colour.

29 1/8 x 19 ¼ "            ( 74 x 48.9 cm.) Ref. LRA 2068/DLN/e.annv>LOL          SOLD                       PRICE CODE  C

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Canadian World War II Recruting Poster

LT Newton Recruiting poster



Lilias T. Newton
Published by Brigdens, for the Wartime Information Board, Ottawa, Canada 1942
Lithograph. Matted, glazed, original Dept.Nat.Defence pine wood frame
28 x 21” aprox.  (71 x 53.3 cm)        Frame: 35 1/2  x 28”


Pvte. Clyde Alexander RCA. Was stationed in Petawawa, he posed for three Canadian Recruiting  &  Information posters based on portraits by the noted Montreal society portrait artist, Lilias Torrance Newton (1846 -1980), this large size image, without letters or panel, was printed by Brigdens for the Canadian Wartime Information Board 30 July 1942 as Canadian Poster #2, of which it is thought that only 1400 copies were printed.

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