Together with:

A manuscript certificate, signed John Carter, senior commanding officer of His Majesty’s Sloop Hyacinth, dated Lisbon, August 7th 1810. Written in Iron–gall ink on a sheet of laid slightly stained folded paper. 8 x 7 7/8”(20.3 x 20 cm.)
Stating that the principal officers and Commissioners of His Majesty’s Navy certify that W. Thomas Kains served as clerk on board H.M. Sloop Hyacinth from 2nd February 1809 until August 7th. 1810, (1 year, 7 months, 11 days) “during which time he preformed his duty in every respect, behaved with diligance and sobrity and was always obedient to command.”
Captain Thomas William Kains (1790-1855) Following service in HMS. Hyacinth as a clerk 1805-10. He is next recorded as a member of the party that set fire to the US. Presidential residence during the War of 1812. (After being whitewashed to cover the smoke damage from this fire, it became known as the White House.)
At the time of the Crimean War, Thomas Kains was a half-pay officer in the Royal Navy. Having been called back to active service as purser aboard HMS Victory. Victory had been Nelson’s flagship at Trafalgar. He rose to the rank of captain of the Ottawa River steamer Shannon. He married Mary, neé McMillan, daughter of Archibald of Murlaggan. Both are buried in the Old English cemetery, St Thomas, Ontario.
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