Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specializes in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum caliber, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

performing arts

An extract of our prints currently available:
Dance and Ballet

Theatre scenery1851

In the days when the quality of the acting was not as professional as the scenery. Theatre managers often relied on the skills of the scenery painters to give the performing arts that needed boost to sell the tickets and fill the seats.
 This wood engraved example of dramatic scenery from 1851 at Her Majesty's Theatre London for a performance of Beethoven's 'Fidelio'.

 For a rare collector's example of a 1825 play bill extolling the importance of the scenery
click here.