Since 1763 the name 'Russborough' has been synonymous with collecting and dealing in fine art. In the closing decades of the last century the historic town of Port Hope has become home to Lord Russborough's Annex, which specialises in an individual mix of antique maps, paintings and prints.

While Lord Russborough's Annex features a great many works of museum calibre, we also offer a wonderful selection of prints priced at under $100.

Recent Additions

We are continually developing and changing our web site. For the present we offer for your delectation & perusal pages on:

Antique Maps
Omnium Gatherum

See below for what's new

whats new collage

Our Gallery is OPEN once more for in-person shopping.

Thurs, Fri. & Sat 11:30 - 4:30    Sun. 1:00- 4:00
other times by appointment.

Newslettetrimage    WHAT'S NEW ?.... read on below

October 2024 New additions this month include a fine watercolour painting of beautiful Durham Cathedral,the ChapterHouse of which was used as Professor McGonagall's study in the Harry Potter Movies. two paintings by Canadian landscapr artist Stuart Clifford Shaw, A fine art etching, and a London curio of Hyde Park and Rotten Row. Plus coming mid-month another of our popular mini-movies "The Family Mill".

September 2024 In addition to the posting of our Pyramids at Giza mini-movie we are now working on another pertaining to The Indian Mutiny to be released mid-month. This month we have added to our inventory a very fine still life painting of mixed fruits, by the hand of a master. Also a few items pertaining to the Indian Mutiny of 1857-9. which are not on our website but are none the less of interest. We have now posted our latest mini-movie ' Artillery on the move to Lucknow' for the relief of the second siege during the Indian Mutiny of 1857/8 .We have also posted a quick index to find all our mini-movies on our Home page.

August  2024 We have just acquired another copy of the much sought after Thin Red Line  by Robert Gibb. A splendid new painting has been added this month, a quintesential landscape by Dutch artist Willem Hendricks which may be found in our European painting section. Vintage Canadian stock certificates have become very collectable and this month we offer two great ones  Cp. with a splendid vignette, and the 'Newfie Bullet' The Iconic railway close to the heart of many a Newfoundlander. With increasing tourism we feature a beautifully presented scarce image by David Roberts of the Pyramids seen from the Nile 1839. Later this month we shall be posting out latrest mini-movie of an 19th Cent.early morning on the Giza plateau. Movie has now been posted and painting is being offered at a new lower price.

July 2024 We take great pleasure in announcing the release of our third mini-movie bringing the scarce engraving The Battle of Drumclog to life.


June 2024 We have acquired a fine original photograph depicting a 1940's Wide plank Canoe shooting the rapids on the French River,set into an original CP branded oak frame. We take great pleasure in announcing the release of of second mini-movie bringing the fine marine watercolour 'Off the Needles' to life. In celebration of the Highland Games taking place in Port Hope June 14&15th. and the progress of the ongoing 'Big Dig' reconstruction of our main street, we have created an striking window display at our gallery - check it out !!.

May 2024 In this time of great upheaval due to the infrasturcture replacement of our main street, Over the next few months we have decided to bring certain paintings and prints to life before your eyes via an audio visual presentation. The first being a beautiful Dutch landscape by Cornelis Westerbeek.
In addition this month we offer through our website, two paintings by T.Frank Yorke, a scarce image of the Cathedral Harbour Grace Newfoundland; Simkin's sought after Types of Canadian Forces and a charming rural watercolour scene to British Watercolour landscapes

April 2024 This month we celebrate Spring with a truly delightful painting that exemplifies much of the charm of rural England by Canadian /British artist H.H Vickers, plus a fine study of a male torso  by T.F, Yorke.
It is our hope that you, our patrons, shall actively support us during the considerable disruption caused by the replacement of the infrastructure of Port Hope's main street. Hundreds of items are available through our extensive website where you can browze at your own pace, you may contact us directly by e-mail:- or 905-269-1763 We very much look forward to hearing from you.

March 2024  
Like early spring flowers emerging from the ground March has brought fourth some great and rarely seen items, plus particular depictions of Canadians at war in a number of conflicts to add to our outstanding military collection: Seven Years war; War of 1812 ; Boer War, First World War items 5 through 10 , along with a fine image of the Canadian Militia 1889 also another copy of Canadian Types is now available.Then there are a few more items added to our extensive Royalty images which are well worth taking a scroll through, specifically House of Saxe-Coborg & Gotha Royalty and the new additions to the three sections of the House of Windsor. Finally, we offer a painting that invites the viewer to don one's coat and take a walk through the heather and Scottish mist above New Galloway.

February 2024
The mild weather has spurred us to new endeavours over the last few weeks. A pleasing new painting has been added to our inventory of Canadian landscapes in oil. Also, in our classical Roman Architecture section may now be found a whimsical view of the ruined temple of Mars the Avenger being a very fine example of chiaroscuro. As a harbinger of spring, new pricing has been introduced to many of our botanical images including that of a splendid botanical masterpice by Redouté plus, a further six inexpensive items have now been added to our Boer War section

January 2024 A new year is upon us and we offer for purchase, three new acquisitions to our inventory; that of one of the last British cavalry charges  which took place in the Sudan, during the Battle of Omdurman 1898. Among those taking part were a young Winston Churchill and Douglas Haig.  Also, the Canadian North-West Mounted Police, 1887, being the forerunner of the RCMP., on what became the famed cermonial 'musical ride'. And for collectors of British Royalty items - a gem, the first offical State Portrait of Queen Victoria.

December 2023 We take this opportunity to wish all our patrons a HAPPY, HEALTHY and SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON. For your interest this month we offer Able Gance's poster for the 1927 Movie 'Napoleon'and several other Napoleon related items. also images of French Military Uniforms

We ship world wide

November 2023, We are pleased to be offer for sale again, another copy of four significant Canadian military images, battles helped defined the course of Canadian history. The Death of Wolfe at the culmination of the Seven Years War and The Battle of Fish Creek plus The battle of Cut knife Creek during the Riel Rebellion.  Plus the scarce, Landing of the Canadian Division at St Nazaire 1915. New to our Boer War prints is Canadians at the Battle of Paardeberg. To our War of 1812 section, we add Brock's death at The battle of Queenston Heights. Also, the rarely seen Canadians at Ypres during WWI. We now offer substantial discounts on our Military models, badges and Black Watch uniform, This special offer applies to these items only.

October 2023, See the addition of a fine ship portrait added to our European Marine paintings section. And for something completely different, a charming early Georgian stone lithograph of two boys blowing bubbles from a bubble pipe added to our Juvenilia section.

September 2023, Added to our inventory this month are three interesting if completely different items: 'Autumnal Landscape' by Canadian Artist Jerry Brennan  (1952- ) painted in the rolling hills N.E. of Bancroft, Hastings Co,Ont. The influence of VanGogh may be seen in this fine painting. Then there is the contrasting skin tones, textures and forge details of Edwin Landseer's exquisite mixed media engraving 'Shoeing'; and finally an image from 'A visual philosphy of Winston Churchill' published in the 1970's by Curtis Hooper and Sir Winston's daughter, Sarah Churchill.Three fascinating items well worth taking a look at.

August 2023,Three more Vintage Railway Stocks and Bearer bonds have been added to our new Railway Prints and Documents section. A tranquil Dutch Landscape by Cornelius Westerbeek Jr has been added to our European Landscape section.

July 2023, For Collectors this month we have rewritten and expanded our Railway items section to include six very collectable and decorative Vintage Canadian Railway stock certificates. they look very impressive when framed in an office wall, or den.The section may now be found in of Antique Prints index. Further additions to our British Portrait section include line drawings of both female and male figures and an interesting watrcolour, depicting a Middle Eastern group of figures by T.F.Yorke. We also have added a fine period drawing of a standing nude by Canadian artist Ted. Hoover to our Canadian unclassified section.

June 2023, Mimicking the bounty of the seasons, this month we have added an exquisite John Gould Green Billed Toucan to our collection also Crestless Ducks recorded during the US. Naval expedition of 1849-52 plus a scarce Philip Miller, Hawthorn plate from the Gardener's Directory 1755-60 and a selection of images from the world's longest running magazine The Botanical Magazine begun by William Curtis in 1787.

May 2023, Nobody does Pomp & Circumstance like the British and within these Coronation items from Coronations past is how they achieved it. Offered at special prices, available are the history and details from the reigns of: King Edward VII George V, George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. plus the reign of Queen Victoria.

April, 2023. This month we focus on A fine marine example by the hand of William St. Thomas Smith,  together with a series of exquisite etchings of two of Englands great Cathedrals: Norwich and Ely,   plus scarce views by David Roberts of the shrine of the Holy Sepulchre.

March, 2023. A variety of new additions may be found on our website this month, including an exceptional marine watercolour by F.J. Aldridge Off the Needles, plus another of a Barque passing lightship both very keenly priced. Two excellent depictions of deerhounds and deerstalking. Two exquisite Mughal style paintings. It now being Spring, images from the famed & much loved, Series of Mothers by Sir John F. Herring Snr. including piglets and ducklings

2023. Sees the beginning of many new items which we are in process of adding to our inventory. starting with a fine Miniature of one of the daughters of Marie Thérèse of Naples and Scicily, another of Josephine Childes also a Portrait of William Cowper the great poet, hymnist, abolishionist and co-author of Amazing Grace. And to our fashion pages, two charming images, one of The Irish Hood, aka. the Kinsale cloak and another, of a well dressed country girl playing the Jew's harp. We are very pleased to announce that we have acquired  another copy of the RARE image of The Battle of Waterloo  engraved by John Burnet after the painting by J.A.Atkinson 1819, also another copy of the MacLise sought after image of Wellington and Blucher[sic] meeting after the Battle of Waterloo. Further, two fine Canadian watercolours have come back on the market:A nicely composed William St. Thomas Smith Maritime and George Bruenech's Percé Rock.

January, 2023 We have just acquired a delightful and scarce Proof copy of Sir David Wilkie's Blind-Mans Buff wherin is some extraordinary domestic detail. it may be found at the following link. For those who delight in Juvenilia or scenes of early 19th cent. domesticity, of which Wilkie strangly was the first British artist to portray, this is a wonderful image for your collection. Also on the theme of recreation, we have added an image of Skittles  or 'Nine pin bowling' which has been played in the British Isles for five hundred years. And whilst on the subject of Isles, we have just added an 1804 map of Scotland with its group of isles.

December, 2022. To aid in your holiday shopping we have many items available priced at below $100 here are some links We also have many unusual items such as this or these not to mention military history or Royalty images, fine British and Canadian paintings  also Antique maps and of course no festive season would be complete without Herself. We take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Please stay safe and healthy.

November,2022. To our Military Uniform Studies pages we have added two interesting and decorative orininal prints of the British Indian Army.

October,2022. A fine series of Stevengraphs, including Lady Godiva of Coventry have been added to our Miscellaneous/ Omnium Gatherum section. There are many other interesting items to be found on our website including an1744 Map of Ukraine.

September,2022. In this edition of our newsletter we touch upon the cruel sea, simple pleasures, great exhibitions and hard times, some of the many topics illustrated and available for purchase through our website.

August,2022. It is with great pleasure that for the first time in 38 years we have come upon a clutch of medical caricatures by James Gillray and George Cruikshank, plus another great image of a noted hypochondraic after Abraham Solomon.These humorous caricatures have long been in the forefront of medical collections and have now become very hard to find and we are delighted to offer them for purchase.

July,2022. This month we have added more items of Canadian, British and Americn railway interest to our Railway section, also to our Canadian paintings section, a fine etheral drawing by Royal Canadian Academician Andrew Dickson Patterson plus, added to our Archictecture section is a fine etching of the British cathedral with the largest expanse of medieaval stained glass in the world.

June,2022. In keeping with this month's Jubilee festivities , we have added to our British Royalty- House of Windsor section a rare 3-D fold-out procession and backdrop (Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey) for the proposed Coronation of Edward VIII 1937.
Also, to head up our new Railway section which may be found amid our Omnium Gatherum items or by clicking MISC. at the top of our home page. We have added an original 150th. year commemorative poster of the Stockton & Darlington Railway poster Canadian and British Railway memorabilia includung an Original Stock certificate from the Port Hope, Lindsay & Beaverton Railway.

May,2022. William Roxby Beverley was a chess master who discovered /created the 'Magic Knight's tour of the chessboard (1848). He was also a fine marine artist specializing in atmospheric coastal scenes. We are pleased to offer a fine example for your delectation and purchase, keenly priced and set into a period frame.
Before the age of 'Auto CAD' architects rendered plans and drawings by hand, some of which were very handsome indeed, and have subsequently become very collectable for they can considerably enhance the look of a room or office - contempory or otherwise. This month we offer fine sets from the 1920's and 30's by William Bruce who rose to become Northern Ireland's first official government architect. For collectors and decorators alike, they are all very reasonably priced.

April,2022. The twelfth of the month is the anniversry of the great naval battle the 'Battle of the Saints ' which thwarted the French invasion of Jamaica, we offer a fine print of the engagement. We have also just aquired a fine 1744 map of Ukraine and Crimea by the Imperial cartographer to King Karl IV,which would make a worthy addition to any map collection. Antother item that has Imperial connections is the superb mezzotint portait of HRH Prince Albert, the Prince Consort of Queen Victoria which would make a handsome addition to any Dining-room hall or library.


March,2022. To celebrate the coming of Spring and the relaxing of Covid restrictions, we are proud to unveil the 'new look' for our website home page. Apart from its sophisticated good look there are many new connections to pages and sections behind the scenes.So why not take some time out for yourself and browse our interesting inventory.This month we have also added a scarce War of 1812 view of Fort Niagara to our Americana site; to our Canadiana site an 1880 view of St. John's, Newfoundland; a splendid photograph of the first reigning monach to visit Toronto. Plus a landscape of an ancient walled village by Israeli artist Arie Arad.

February,2022. In acknowledgement of HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum jubilee celebrations beginning on Feb 6th. we are very pleased to offer a selection of hard to find British Royalty images. This month we have also added more collectable autographed photographs and letters of leading tennis, ice skating, ballet and political figures. We also draw your attention to four items you may have missed from our inventory A wonderful painting with a twist, The Waterloo Banquet, The poster from Napoléon - the movie, and Church's splendid view of Niagara Falls.

January,2022. New additions to our Canadian watercolour paintings include two images by Emily Mary Bibbens Warren. Our Canadian paintings in oil inventory has just been augmented by the addition of two fine paintings by Arthur Alexander Drummond and to our Collectable Autographs has been added a Literary Interest section which includes a letter by Farley Mowat and other well known authours. Plus for those interested in early space flight and its conquest, we have just added over twenty-five scarce autographed images of space pioneers, each one of whom, together with their support team, has moved the conqust of space forward - a signifient trove for collectors, well worth checking out. So the answer to December's question is that all four are among the fascinating collection of autographs now posted to our site. Farley Mowat in our Literary section, Titanic survivor in our Yester year section and Glenn and Collins in our Flight and Space travel section.

December, 2021 A new addition to our Royalty site is a scarce photogravure of the Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary, and to our Naval site, a fine portrait of Lord Nelson.
Question:What do Farley Mowat; the last surviving passenger of the Titanic; John Glenn and the first female NASA space shuttle pilot and commander, have in common? The answer, Drop into our Gallery before Christmas and find out in person or, click on our news section in January.

November, 2021.The alluring eyes of Sir John Everett Millais' Cinderella is now available for acquisition from our inventory, as is the museum quality, early Canadian portrait of Col. John Covert of Cobourg, who's eyes follow you around a room. A whimsical limited edition etching by famed artist Leticia Tarrago. A superb model soldier montage reminisant of Sharp's rifles depicting Napoleonic riflemen and a fine uniform study of the Black Watch by Simkin are now also available, all of which would make fine seasonal gifts.

October,2021. We have added a charming painting by Col. Geoffrey Strahan 'The Young Mothers' depicting the miracle of life and various aspects of mothering in a rural setting. Still within a rural setting, a painting of a woman 'carding wool, by the Dutch artist Anton Mauve, (mentor to Vincent van Gogh) may now be found amid our European paintings unclassified section.

September,2021. A scarce proof before letters being an exceptionl image of the Royal Family at   Windsor castle in the present time, a fine painting by Cassell depicting Terriers-ratting, and a portrait of a life at sea by internationally acclaimied artists from the Modern Etchers Group Karoly/Szanto have been added to our website.

August,2021. The model of a modern Major-General is now offered amid our collection of Vanity Fair 'Spy' cartoons. Plus two antique maps depicting the zenith of the French regime in Canada prior to the fall of New France.

July,2021. We have added one of the first printed maps of Toronto to our Canadian maps section. Also a fine watercolour of the first ship to fire a torpedo in action and from whence the masts that are currently on HMS Victory came.

June, Within our Canadiana files we have added a Local History section of both Views and Maps, including the first printed view of Cobourg,  The only Birds eye view maps of both Cobourg and Port Hope plus a selection of historical views of Cobourg from old photographs. To our British watercolour landscapes section 2a, a charming painting of an Abbey Gate house has been added. We also focus on a popular Dartmoor hiking area, and a scarce unusal image of the Royal family celebrating the marriage of the Prince of Wales plus a Victoria Golden Jubilee memento.


May, To section 6 of our British Landscape paintings in oils, we have added a particullarly fine example of the work of Harry Pennell. And to our First Nation section, a selection very collectable vintage Onoya'giyada' or corn husk dolls.
Within our Canadiana files we have added a Local History section of both Views and Maps, including the first printed view of Port Hope and a very early map showing the actual location of buildings as opposed to lot lines.

April, To our American paintings section is now added a very fine boudoir study of a pregnant woman reclining. Detaille officiers et troupes de chasseurs á chaval et de Hussards 1805 may be found in our Napoleonic French Uniform studies Also to our British watercolour landscapes section 19 may be found L.Ramos  Pheasant shooting. And to our European Painting section a decorative Pre-Covid summer Street scene plus some F.F. Yorke images to our Contemporary Printmaking section.

March, We have created and posted a new expanded sub-index for our Antique Prints. Highlighted are, a watercolour of the oldest continuously occupied  castle on mainland Scotland, a scarce image by Allom of the opening of London Bridge by King William IV, J.D.  Pennell's, Coronation of King George V. Woodward's view of Quebec. and a charming traditional Canadian late winter scene.

February, Is a celebration of romance and valentines we have added an Assignation in classical Rome, a Flirtation in a heavy swell, Romantic caricatures from Fuller's Temple of Fancy, Victoria &Albert Royal Marriage memorabelia, a still life that speaks the language of flowers, plus a significant image by the LBGT artist Marie Laurencin, who was a member of Picasso's cubist circle,

January, A second newsletter this month features two timely images, 'Too near the warpath' and 'The Arival' being in addition to the four items featured in the first of this month's newsletters, here are the links to some other items you may have missed:-
Charman 'Windjammer awaiting Pilot'Vincent 'The Family Mill'.  Holmstedt 'Norwegian Fjord'.

Callow 'Towing a lifeboat to a vessel'.   Coucill 'Alberta Landscape'.   Thomson 'Seated Nude'.

Beatty J.W. 'The Patriarch'. Medlycott 'Pt Levis'Merckaert 'Still Life'.  Kinnaird 'The Thames'.

Norie O. 'March to Lucknow'.  Maclise 'Wellington & Nelson'.  Havell 'Storming Fort Oswego'.

Charge of the Guards at Alma          Wollen 'Scouts'       Model 'Coldstream Guard with pipe'   

Selous 'Queen Victoria opening Gt. Exhibition'  C.P. ship 'Metagama'   Gould 'Hummingbird'

December, Just in time for Christmas we are pleased to have added a very handsomely framed and beloved iconic image of the Scottish highlands (and single malt whisky lovers )Landseer's Monarch of the Glen, also an inexpensive framed image of Rome's famed Column of Marcus Aurelius aka. Colonna Antonina, For those celebrating special anniversaries during this extraordinary year, the collectable image by Walter Dendy Sadler 'Darby & Joan' might have particular appeal as a family gift. For the legaly minded we have added a unique Peppercorn Rent Indenture 1784, Additional topographical views added, include Edinburgh & Environs engraved by Morris 1779, Myres after David Cox, a pair of etchings of English Abbeys, and for those nostalgic for the sporting life and the hunt we have posted three Dodson's Hunting prints.

November, We have added a world class investment image of a gorgeous Gould - Blue throated helmet crested Hummingbirds. Also the splendid image of Scouts on patrol during the Peninsular war, and the IIth. Hussars having a field day. We have posted for the first time a selection of 15 Black Friday specials, among them we hope you shall find something interesting for your home.


October, We have bugun to add a number of significant maps to our inventory begining with the sought after Carver New map of the Province of Quebec according to the Royal Proclamation of 1763. This was the first step back for the province after the fall of New France and as such is considered a must have for Quebecers and Canadians interested in their history. Click on the splendid two sheet wall map by D'Anville/ Pownall of the Americas in 1794. We have also added a very fine watercolour of the beautiful Bath Abbey church by Walter Sweet- a glorious example of his work. Also just added is a decorative small map of Cape Breton drawn between the siege of Louisbourg and Cape Breton's return to France 1747.

September, Feel the heat of the long, hot march to relieve the siege of Lucknow in our newly acquired painting by Orlando Norie. See Liddell's fine watercolour of St. James's in London - a  glimpse of the 1920's.

August, We are pleased to make available for purchase a fine example of the artistry of Stuart Clifford Shaw 1896-1970.Though disabled, he took a trip in the 1930's to capture the majesty of the B.C. mountain landscape, which he most certainly did in our present offering. We have also acquired a fine late impression of Admiral Lord Nelson after Sir John Hoppner. This fine full length image depicts Nelson with his right sleeve pinned to his sash, with a naval engagement in the background.

July, We currently offer two interesting British watercolours being studies in technique by H.S.the subject of one being Duntrune Castle Scotland after Daniel. New to our Caricature inventory is the complete set of James Gillray's Progress of the Toilet and three other 18th. Cent Satirical caricatures - six images in all and to our Fashion section, Le Petit Echo de la Mode 1900,with original Ladies Cycling Pantaloon pattern.

June, Our gallery slowly re-opens on June 4th BY APPOINTMENT - see updated notice above.
During the last weeks of isolation, we have been far from idle. We have added to our inventory  a number of fine recent acquisitions (many ex Parker Gallery, London) which enables Lord Russborough's Annex to offer a superb selection of military pints pertaining to:
the Crimean war, which include collectable images by Robert Gibb. the Peninsular War and Waterloo, which include iconic works by Lady Butler & Prinsep Beadle, together with a fine collection of Uniform studies by Richard Simkin and others, also selected Military Badges, Canadian Pacific steamships and fine British Watercolours. Plus, researching and writing Section 12 of our ongoing history of the Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada

May Our Gallery is still 'open for business' through our website.
We may be contacted via E-mail: or on 905-269-1763
This month we have added an elegant projection 18th. Cent. map by Antonio Zatta of the Island of Newfoundland & Cape Breton. We have many more fascinating items to come your way as we work our way through this difficult period in our history. Take the time to browse the items we offer for your delectation if you are interested in history we hope that you will find an item you wish to acquire.

April, The retail world has changed around us in this time of global uncertainty (see Special Notice) fortunately our web site is uneffected by the pandemic and is open 24/7. From it, by contacting us, you can still purchase from our many sections of interest, in the knowledge that our items are authoritatively catalouged and are the genuine article. Payment can be made by cheque or E-Transfer. Hopefully, with your support we can all weather this difficult time. Aside from the home page main index we suggest that you check the sub-pages offered by clicking on Antique Prints.
Undaunted, we have added a diverse selection of paintings to various sections. A fine, very reasonably priced portrait, of a lived-in face, by J.W.Beatty (whose prices are definitely in ascendance) & a pleasing landscape by Mary Lampman have been added to our Canadian oils section. To our Canadian watercolours section a Drayton has been added. The British watercolours marines section sees the addition of works by Roxby Beverley and George Dobson Callow. Our European Portraits now contains a portrait of an Austrian Folk Hero, and to our European Landscapes  a fine Barbizon school Eugène Berthelon. To our now expanded Fashion section we have added images of American Fashions of the 1865-75 period, French Millinery Fashion for young women of the 1880's and Fashionable French Ladies Coiffure of 1865/6.


March, Our focus this month is on items recently added to our website. A fine ethereal watercolour scene of the St. Lawrence at Pt. Lévis. An atmospheric seascape of waves crashing upon Mediterranean rocks, and from our military section: a dramatic action scene, being a costly victory during the Napoleonic wars. We also offer a finely detailed model of a sergent of the Coldstream Guards taking a moment to smoke a pipe during the Waterloo conflict.

February, Among the many fine additions to our British Watercolours we have now added sections 17-19. If you enjoy such items, a scrool through the many other sections is recommended, as there still a number of very affordable paintings available. To our Antique Prints - Contemporary American Prints we have added a timely, interesting little and beautifully framed, etching symbolizing the turmoil of American politics

January 2020, We have posted a two part review of some of the paintings and prints you may have missed over the past year.

December,  Has seen the arrival of a splendid collection of watercolours to our gallery, many of them by significant Canadian & British artists. In keeping with the season, you may now see their advent upon our website. In our section of Richard Simkin military watercolours may now be found a fine uniform study of the Royal Horse Guards.   We have just acquired an authentic, historically important work by a well listed Canadian artist, and as such, should probably be in a national collection, a plein air painting by F.W. Jopling pertaining to the British Royalty tour of 1939.   Also within the aforementioned collection, is a splendid oil by the Norweigian artist J. Holmstedt, who was a child prodigy, depicting a fishing village nestled beneath spectactular Fjord mountains.

November, Two charming and infrequently seen botanical caricatures from Les Fleures Animée may now be found in our Caricature section. Among our British Marine watercolours may be found a gallant lifeboat rescue. One of the world's great architectural achievemnts and a legacy of ancient Rome -The Pantheon is among the amany images we have available from Luigi Rossini's Le Antichita Romane.  Whilst in our Canadian watercolour section, a fine small painting of a big Alberta landscape may be found,

October, We have more fine additions to our Collection of Model & Toy Soldiers which may now be viewed. More very affordable antique maps have been added to our Canadian map section including another set of the four Tallis Maps of Canada and the Thompson of Canada & Nova Scotia, showing the vast forest that once covered most of Southern Ontario. The response to our Klimt portfolio of life drawing lithographs, has been most gratifing, there are now only six left - all good ones. An opportunity not to be missed. Images of HMS Victory, Opium Ships during the 19th. cent opium crisis, The Baltic Fleet during the Crimean War, are all new additions to or expanding Naval Section

September, We are delighted to announce that we have acquired a Gustav Klimt portfolio containing over twenty sensual figuartive line lithographs. This is an opportunity of own a splendid image from one of the world's significant and influential artists. If that weren't enough variety, then a new section, of Re-enactors Equipment delights including a complete uniform of a Colour Sergeant of the 42 Royal Highland (Black Watch) from the 1812 to 1815 period, a Georgian Style Leather Cartridge case also a Piper's Dirk. An important addition to our Juvenalia section is James MacNeill Whistler's - 'Annie' also some charming examples by Kate Greenaway and Staniland.

August,  Please note our new gallery mobile 'phone number 905-269-1763 as we shall soon be phasing out our land line, as we further embrace the digital age. This month we are pleased to offer the fine 1856 image of H.M. the Queen opening The Great Exhibition of all nations, 1851. Set in London's Hyde Park, it was probably the most successful, memorable and influential cultural event of the 19th century.

We also have two related Baxter prints illustrating the Great Exhibition now posted. In keeping with the Summer theme of our newsletter, we have added an agreeable Muskoka landscape capturing a relaxing view of Stephen's Bay.Together with, two other cottage country scenes Otto Planding's Road to beach Mazinaw Lake (near Bon Echo Park) North Frontenac and Nelson Taylor's Haliburton Highlands (Gallery Shopping only). Then two contemporary Associated American Artists summer activity prints 1 2.
Finally, a reminder that we have but three sets left of Britains toy soldiers (Gallery Shopping only)

We ship world wide

July, We feature three superlative additions to our website. One of the Great maps of North America, known as the Cod Fishery map, depicting a 1720 engraving of the industry and showing California as an island plus clues to buccaneers for the capture of Spanish treasure ships. A scarce, beautifully presented, pair of images depicting the Death of Nelson and Meeting of Blucher and Wellington. Also a fine plate from the Herefordshire Pomona one of the finest works on the subject ever printed. We are also pleased to announce the posting to our Canadiana section, of Part Three the North West Rebellion coinciding not only with Canada Day, but the signing of a significant agreement between the Federal Government and the Métis people.

June, The first two, of three parts, have now been posted in our Canadiana Section For those interested in an important period in our Canadian history, the original period maps, prints and descriptive essays putting them into context should have particular merit  to historians and others who take pride in our Western Canadian history. Not just political events, but the social and environmental difficulties of settlement. Part one covers the Red River Settlement (with two links to the broader exploration of the Canadian North) and Part Two details the phenomenal growth of Winnipeg as a hub  to the settlement of the North West territory. Part Three (coming soon) will cover the Riel Rebellion. Further, an exceptional Scottish watercolour of what was then the largest ship in the world has been added to our Scottish painting section, as has a splendid Marine to our European Marine paintings section.

May, Has seen a a considerable enlargement of our military section: Items include one of the most sought Canadian WWI images by Edgar Bundy Landing of the First Canadian division at St. Nazaire, Another version of Lady Butler's Charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo, also another fine copy of  her depiction of Quatre Bras. A scarce matched pair of Daniel Maclise's Meeting of Wellington and Blucher together with the Death of Nelson. Many British Uniform Studies, including original Watercolours by Richard Simkin. Canadian and Scottish regimental uniform depictions and models also being added. Together with an original manuscript letter from Lord Paget, (he who showed great aplomb upon the loss of his leg at Waterloo) and two infrequently seen portraits of Napoleon. To our Fine Art Canadian Landscape section we have added a Toronto area painting by Marmaduke Matthews that has been in the same family since gifted by the artist.  To our British Landscapes another watercolour by Eyres Simmons.

April, We continue to add some splendid marine paintings to our inventory.To our British Paintings in oils-Marines: a lively depiction of HMS.Wickham chasing down smugglers, A classic naval engagement of a Spanish ship under Raking Fire To our Military prints - Crimea section an original pull of Caton Woodville's dramatic Charge of the light brigade and John Charlton's Into the Valley of Death both of which really bring home what a cavalry charge and hand to hand fighting was all about. Then we have the great dipiction of the military review on the Plains of Abraham in celebration of Quebec's Tercentenary wich may be discovered at this link under our Military interest section.

March, continues to bring new changes to our website,  The full Arctic exploration Section 10 - Sir John Ross First Arctic command is available for viewing and purchase to subscribers to our Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada section, non subsribers may still view a synopisis of this, and all other sections. This month we have added not just one, but two, life drawings by Margaret, sister of the famed and murdered artist Tom Thomson. Not only a splendid Quebec river scene by contemporary Canadian artist Real Sabourin, but also a beautifully tranquil painting to our British landscape in oil section by famed Norwich School painter George Vincent who was considered by many to be in the forefront of British landscape artists. We have also created a new section 'The Annex Blog', on our Facebook - Lord Russborough's Annex site wherein we shall offer a longer description of particular items of interest to our patrons.




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February, Did, as promised, bring many new additions to our Marine pages. In our British Marine watercolours may be found a gallant lifeboat rescue and a splendid example of the work of Nelson Dawson as well as two dramatic coastal paintings. in our British Marine oils painting section we now offer a splendid Rodney Charman of a Windjammer awaiting a pilot and two other fine coastal marines. Further, to our European Marine section have been added a classic Ship's portrait,  together with a view of Tall ships under sail and yet another in peril. For something completely different, a charming miniature of a young girl may be purchased from our British watercolour portrait section.

Under antiquarian prints we have added the fine image by Church, of the Great Fall Niagara.  Highland clans, Bonnie Prince Charlie and continuing the Naval theme: The Battle of the Saintes may now be found in our Naval Engagements section.

January, Will be bringing a plethora of fine British marine watercolours and a collection of oil paintings to our stock. British Watercolour- Marines: Mitchell HMS. Shah, Two dramatic images of the ship Coromandel  and other vessels weathering storms. three British landscapes in oil have also been added. Another fine still life may now be found in our European Painting- Still life section as may a charming painting attributed to Henrietta Ronner- Kip in our European unclassified section.

December, Has seen the acquisition of a number of fine British Royalty portrait items: An 1844 small portrait painting of HRH Prince Albert, being an original study from which Geo. Baxter created his 1848 print. A scarce image of the Royal Family, though in mourning, celebrating the engagement of the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII); a colour portrait of Queen Victoria at her first theatre appearance following her accesion and a double coronation souvenir of Edward VII & Queen Alexandra, printed on silk.

November, Has seen the addition of Sir Everett Millais' sensitive portrayal of Cinderella - a really beautiful image. To our European painting marine section has been added  a coastal marine by the highly collectably Guido Odierna. To our Americana section Too near the warpath and an unusual depiction of Beavers under attack by natives. An exquisite and sensual nude in our European paintings section. Also we have just acquired another copy of the dramatic poster of the 1927 Able Gance Napoleon movie, this time for the OKeefe Centre,Toronto performances March 1982.

October, has been a busy month with many fine additions to various sections. A scarce and highly collectable image pertaining to the War of 1812, a British royalty Jubilee 1869 image Recollections of a record Reign, plus two images from the well known and highly collectable Canadian etchers the Armingtons, along with two others have been added to our Contemporary Canadian prints section. Under our Antique prints heading we have added a new Americana section, presently containing four very fine images, (see also our Contemporary American Print section where there have been two new additions including an image form Ira Moskowitz Torah suite) and our American paintings section wherin are three new additions including two Arizona landscapes by an noted artist who's works are in the collections of the White House and the Pentagon.

September, Five fine paintings by C.W. Greer, O. Planding, R.A. Rawsthorn, Langley Donges, and Canadian War artist H.T. Beament are new additions to our Canadian paintings in oils section. Atruly splendid watercolour of historical importance to Southern Ontario may now be found in our Canadian Watercolour landscape section. One of the great Apocryphal maps of the North Atlantic, considered to be one of the most captivating and intriguing maps in the history of cartography, may now be found in our Arctic Maps section



August, in our Royalty-House of Saxe Coburg & Gotha we have added the beautiful and much sought after portrait of the mounted Prince of Wales and his brother, The Duke of Connaught at Aldershot in 1875. A new subsection Canadian Uniform Studies has been added to our Military Uniform Studies and an Officers Funeral to our Military Interest section. A scarce view from the War of 1812 has been added to both our Military War of 1812 and Naval & Marine sections. L. Fenwick Martin Port Hope scene  to Canadian paintings in oil, a cozy Quebec winter landscape by Mary Castelnovo to our American paintings section. and John Brine's view of the Thames at Hammersmith has resurfaced.

July, See a dramatic British marine painting attributed to John Callow. A splendid recreation of a moment in Canadian history is captured in a fine marine by F.S. Challener which may be found among our Canadian paintings in oils and Royalty-House of Hanover section. In our Military -Waterloo section there can now be found a pure silk woven Stevengraph - very collectable. And to our Naval and Marine section has been added a great image dipicting the interor of an early 19th. cent. midshipman's berth.

June, We have begun a new section of Fashion related images and just in time for Father's Day, we have added a splendid image for the sartorially minded gentleman. Also added is a scarce original plan from Toronto's First Fire Insurance plans 1884 to our Canadian map section.

May, Great International Railway Suspension Bridge to Canada may now be found in our Canadiana section, being a great item for Railway enthusiasts.

April, We highlight a supurb early Canadian portrait by John Craig of Col. John Covert of Cobourg. This is a significant painting museum quality. We have added a selection of Collectable sheet music to our music section. Keep an eye out for a fine Canadian watercolour by Arthur Drummond soon to be found in our Canadian watercolour marine and landscape sections. He was a contemporaty associate of the Group of Seven sharing a studio with A.Y. Jackson.

March, This month our Sporting section has had some splendid new additions. The First steeple chase on record to our racing section, Four wonderful fox hunting images, plus the complete set of 'Batchelors Hall' which is now hard to find, to our Fox hunting section. Also, an unusual image from the 'Salonika' front to our Military WWI section. The graphicically outstanding World War I German submarine war bond poster is now available again, due to unforseen circumstances. An opportunity to obtain a unique item not to be missed.We have also corrected the link to the Baxter images in our Saxe-Cobourg Royalty section. Please note that the gallery will be closed March 1-11.

February,Throughout this month we shall continue adding, a just acquired, surperlative collection of paintings to our Canadian (scroll sects. 2-4), British, (see sections 11 to16) & European watercolour landscape sections. Our British & Canadian Landscape watercolour & Canadian oil paintings indices have been enlarged & redesigned for easier reading and connection. A scarce image of Queen Victoria making the first distribution of the Victoria Cross medal for valour, may now be found in our Military Interest section.

January, A Newlyn School portrait has been added the British Watercolour portrait section and a fine David Law of an isolated British village (which has changed little since Captn. Cook lived there,) to our British watercolour marine section. A John MacWhirter to our Scottish Paintings section. A fine Lake District scene to our British Landscapes in Oil section.

December, A series of fine portraits of persons at the court of Henry VIII after Holbein have now been posted. A pleasing coastal marine to our British Watercolour Marine section, an interesting bridge encounter to our European Landscape section plus two Canadian paintings by Chauvignaud and another striking contempoary work By M-A.J Fortier to our Canadian oils section .Two outstanding interiors to our British Wastercolours Unclassified section, six other additions to our British, Canadian and Scottish watercolour sections landscape sections.

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November, The Vanity Fair caricatures including SPY Legal caricatures, Red Robe Judges, prominent Lawyers, Doctors & Jockeys, have now been posted along with Redouté Botanicals, and a Victorian Wedding heirloom - a unique item for collectors of Victoriana, plus a rare WWI German submarine war bond poster ,a cracker of an item, now available for purchase.

October. An Antique Persian Kinjal or short sword, is a new addition to our Military Interest and Omnium Sections;  a scarce 1750 image of the Madrid bullring & bullfighting; Heywood Hardy's splendid Fox Hunting image "A Real Good Story" have been added by their respective links within our Sporting Section, together with new additions to our posters section. Keep an eye out for forthcoming SPY Legal caricatures including Red Robe Judges, Redouté Botanicals, Bartolozzi engravings from His Majesty's (King Henry VIII) collection at Hampton Court Palace. Plus a number of Canadian, British and European Paintings to be posted soon.

And the good news is that....
We have now reinstated the links to our ongoing Lord Russborough's Annex 'Canada 150 project'. We have posted a brief synopsis - a snippet of the contents of the first nine sections, hopefully enough to whet your appetite to our on-going collection of antique maps and prints pertaining to the Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada. The full research information (or the original antique maps and prints themselves) is available to purchasers.

September. Natural History images once described (1814) as subversive and compelling have been added to the Natural History section see Encyclopædia Londonensis under Birds & Animals. three fine etchings of Edinburgh by Janet S. C. Simpson may now be found in our Architcture section.

August. For lovers of Antique maps, we have just added the superb large D'Anville/Pownall map of The whole continent of America published by Laurie & Whittle 1794 to our North American map section. In our Arctic section The Exploration of Arctic & Northern Canada links have temporarily been removed as we change the presentation of the sections.

July. A splendid exmple of the art of the Egyptologist painter Lt. Col. Evelyn Engleheart may now be found in our British Watercolour Landscape section. Four paintings by Lucille Gilling have been added to our Canadian Watercolour landscape section and two to our Canadian watercolour Still Life section. Our significant "Canada 150" project, the Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada continues with more sections being added.

June. Our significant "Canada 150" project continues with more sections being added, together with a fascinating 1608 map of the Arctic by Quad, also a related item by John Gatonbe. A Naples market scene by Giacomo N. Pitto and other interesting Still life have been added to our European and Canadian painting sections.

May. Ten new paintings have been added to our Canadian Paintings in Oils section some of which are of museum quality. Also five new works to our Canadian Watercolour landscape section. Continuing Lord Russborough's Annex 'Canada 150 project' we have posted Sections 4 & 5 of our on-going collection of antique maps and prints pertaining to the Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada.

April. A new section Images with Dogs has been created within our Animal/Natural history section. An original sketch by James Houston drawn on location of the 1973 movie White Dawn may be found in our Canadian Watercolour Unclassified section.

March. Miss March has brought us a plethora of new paintings and prints: Samuel Prout's view of Venice in a splendid Jamaica-wood frame, also a B.W. Leader topographical view of the Severn Valley. To our Scottish Painting section, we have added a delightfully atmospheric early watercolour by Henry Raeburn Dobson - beautifully painted by a master of the genre. Two Dog paintings to our British Oil paintings -Unclassified section, one of which, 'Riley' was obviously painted with much affection for the artist's pet. The other a classic Cassell's of Terriers ratting. Two fine British watercolours have also been added: A confident work by Robert Yuill seemingly extolling the notion that, indeed "God is an Englishman" and a very collectable atmospheric landscape by Thomas Tayler Ireland of the Burnham Beeches.

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February. A beautiful museum quality landscape by J.E. Meadows is a very fine addition to our British landscape in oil section. To our Contemporary Canadian printmaking we have added an example of the work of Fred. S. Haines.

January. We begin the New Year with many new additions to our on-line presence, all of which are available for purchase. Firstly, Section III of our Exploration of The Arctic and Northern Canada - The Early Arctic Whale Fishery has now been posted and is available for purchase.
A collectable juvenalia image from the gilded age by Arthur Elsley.A charming domestic scene by Port Hope artist Phyllis Armour - Hertzberg depicting her rear garden. George Bruenech's depction of Canadian landmark Percé Rock, an A.M. Wickson Ontario vignette and the most sophisticated depiction of the field sport of Coursing that we have yet seen - all well worth taking a look at.

December, Three splendid Art Deco images have been added to our Contemporary European prints section, a Judaica image to our Contemporary American images and a fine contemporary etching of Canada's far north to the Contemporary Canadian prints section. Two European oils to our European paintings and a local Port Hope scene to our Canadian paintings in oils section. Section III of our Exploration of The Arctic and Northern Canada - The Early Arctic Whale Fishery has now been posted and is available for purchase.

November, Hot women resting and other images have been added to our David Roberts section, Also a great gift suggestion to Canadian watercolours and one of a charming Golden Lion Tamarin or Golden Marmoset to our Birds & Animals Natural history section.

October, A fine painting of a Pheasant rising over an Autumnal landscape by ARCA. artist Winchell Price, not seen since 1941, may now be found in our Canadian paintings in oil section.To our British Marine watercolours section we have added a lively work by Hugh Pepper of Dolphins at play.

September, To our American painting section, has been added a fine landscape by Hugh Bolton Jones, set in its original period frame this would make a fine addition to any living room.

August, An interesting addition to our Canadian map section is the Crutchley Ca. 1857 map of the NE. USA. & the Canadas. We have also added more fine Canadian works by H.O.McAvoy to our Canadian paintings in oil section.

July, We are fortunate in having discovered a number of paintings by a contemporary of the Group of Seven, Harold Otto McAvoy which come to us through the executrix of his estate so they have never been seen on the market. He exhibited with the Royal Canadian Academy during the 1940's and other examples of his work may be found in the National Gallery of Canada. So this is a opportunity to add an example to your collection. Our Canadian paintings in watercolour section also has a fine addition in the work of Lucius O'Brien the founding president of the Royal Canadian Academy. This is a good example of his mature style and depicts a pefect harmony of nature. Also added, to our Canadian map section are, a bound collection of early Canadian geological plans by Sir W. Logan and A. Murray depicting in intimate detail the region between Lake Huron (Georgian Bay) and the Ottawa river including the headwaters of the Trent -Severn waterway and the 'land in-between'.

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June, Is the month that the Waterloo Banquet was held, we are pleased to offer a very scarce and exceptionally fine 1846 engraving after Salter's monumental painting, currently the only copy for sale in Canada. a full description may be found in our Military interest  or Wellington 2 sections. Now, within our Military index Lady Butler section may be found another varient of her Balaclava the return

May, A busy month, for a new section First Nations has been added to our home page index, wherin three splendid photogravures of Native Indians by the famous ethnologist and photographer E.S. Curtis, also three iconic images of the Metis, Riel or North-West rebellions, may be found. Within our Canadian oil painting section may be found a contemporary painting of Toronto sunbathers by Tom Campbell and in our Canadian un-classified watercolour section another work by J.J. Holland.We have also added five more splendid examples of contemporary American printmaking.

April, J.N.Bellin's scarce 1764 map of Nouvelle France òu Canada. An inexpensive oil painting depicting American Woodland Indians hunting fish with bow & arrow has been added to our American Paintings section. We are pleased to announce that Section Two of our Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada collection has now been posted to our website and is available for purchase.Other interesting items including Curtis Indians will be aded shortly.

March, An etherial Plein Air painting typical of the palette of the painter James Lawson Wingate, may now be found in our Scottish paintings. We have added seven more examples of splendid contemporary American printmaking, and a rather beautiful 16th cent. Spanish Illuminated Legal manuscript to our Manuscript section under Omnium Gatherum.

February, After a technological upgrade during January, we start the year of the Monkey with the addition of six scenes from the Life of Lord Nelson. We have finally been able to lay our hands on some more copies of the popular Canadian Immigration posters so a limited number are available from stock.

December,We are in the process of creating a section for Contemporary American Prints soon to be posted on our site. A timeless nineteenth century sepia wash sketch of fashionable early-Victorian "Eastbourne"attributed to Col. William Markham may now be found in our British Watercolour landscape section.

November. We have now added the first part of a major collection to our website that being The Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Canada section one: Samuel Hearne and Fort Prince of Wales it will take us many months to post the entire collection, but two sections may now be viewed via our Arctic Exploration index. Also may be seen there is a unique Arctic Quartet pertaining to the search for Sir John Franklin To our Lady Butler military section are also two new additions  the reduced version of The Roll Call and Quatre Bras which we feature in this months newsletter. Further we have just added four interesting 18th. Century Methods of Hunting to our Sporting Section.

October. The handsome landscape of Lochranza on the Isle of Arran by Buchanan may now be seen in our Scottish paintings section. A fine view of the Battle of Alma with its original posting tube has been added to the Crimea listings of our Military section, as has the Charge of the Light Brigade. To our Royaly section a scarce Toronto printed portrait of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra has been added plus a real rarity, the Pennell view of the Coronation of George V, one of just 30 copies.

September. Two splendid watercolours additions to our British Watercolour landscape section 7. The master painter William Collingwood-Smith has beautifully rendered these scenes, one of which was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'. A new section has been aded to our Antique Prints,  containing collectable prints by Baxter & Le blond. A charming portrait entitled 'The Little Midshipman' by Eleanor Milner after Wilson Nesbit may be found in our naval section.

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August. Images of the splendid Jubilee carnival pageant for Emperor Fanz Joseph I & Empress Elizabeth held in Vienna 27 April 1879 may now be found in our theatre section. Another fine image by Canadian contemporary print maker David Blackwood has now been added.

July. In celebration of Canada Day a fine July landscape may now be found amid our Canadian watercolour landscape paintings, In celebration of American Independence Day A picnic on the fourth of July after Lilly Spencer has been added to our Omnium section also a fine early 18th. Cent. view by Kip & Knyff of a now restored English country garden to our Architecture section.

June. A fine Scottish painting,with a twist, by Alex Fraser, also a handsome landscape of Lochranza on the Isle of Arran by Buchanan may now be seen on our Scottish paintings section.An interesting Hungarian wine region landscape by Ignác Ujváry has been added to our European Landscape section. The scarce emotional etching 'A sacrifice'-only a woman's hair. has now been aded to our Omnium section

May. A 1969 signed photograph of Apollo 12 Astronaut Alan Bean kneeling beside the lunar module Intrepid has been added to our Space flight Autographs section. A fine watercolour of The Chateau de Lerici, Spezia , home town of P. & Mary Shelley, may now be found amid our European Landscape section. A good example of the highly collectable Canadian artist Hilton Hassell has been added to our Canadian Oil painting section. A splendid, most topical, caricature on the rising price of beer and the cost of war is an addition to our caricature section, Plus a scarce portrait of King Wiliam IV to our Royalty section.

April. Two framed autographed pages of the first draft of Farley Mowat's 1988 book The Farfarers with corrections and manuscript additions, giving an  insight into the mind of the author have been added to our Manuscript section.

March. A rare and interesting genuine find has just been posted to our Military Interest section, an original 3rd - 2nd century B.C. Roman Gladius (Short Sword), such items are rarely seen outside of museums and we are pleased to offer this one available for purchase.   Sir Luke Fildes iconic image 'The Doctor' and an 1851 illustration of The Arterial System have been added to our Medical section. A 1950's birds-eye perspective watercolour of houses on Cottingham St. Toronto is newly added to our Canadian Watercolour landscapes section.

February. We have just acquired the highly desirable Four Tallis Maps of Canada, this set oft' referred to as the last of the decorative 19th cent. British maps, has been delicately hand tinted, and is framed. As a set they are now hard to find and are considered a cornerstone of any Canadian map collection. George Morland's scarce image of Dancing Dogs may now be found within our Natural History section and would make a fine addition to any collection of Georgian prints.

January. We begin the year with the addition of a fine early watercolour painting by David Blackwood also an interesting landscape composition work by the obscure American artist Eliza Robertson which is well worth taking a look at. Sir Peter Scott's 'Shovelers taking to wing' has also been posted.

December. The 11th. item to be added to our Napoleonic section is a fine example of the scarce image 'C'est l'Empereur' the original painting of which is in Toronto. To our Poster section five examples including two finely printed original Pears Soap Annual from 1905 have been added. Today these are avidly sought by collectors, so don't miss out on this opportunity to acquire them.

November. New additions this month see the start of our new Arctic section being added to our Antique Print section. From our collection we have addded a unique Arctic quartet of an image that has come to symbolize 19th.cent. Arctic exploration and the search for Sir John Franklin. A handsome 19th. century American landscape in a fine period frame to our American painting section.

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October. Has already proved to be a busy month, with a scarce image of Queen Alexandra
with her grandchildren and dogs
- a really great image for dog lovers and Royalty collectors alike, being added to our Natural History  and Royalty  sections. Also to our Royalty site, have been added four splendid images to the House of Saxe-Coburg section, including a unique Queen Victoria Jubilee appliqué. To the House of Hanover section, portraits of King William IV and a scarce caricature of the Prince Regent are new additions. A fine example of the watercolour skill of Joseph Thomas Rolph may now be found in our Canadian Watercolour  section, along with Cape St. Francis by David Blackwood. An early David Blackwood artist's proof of Spring has been added to our Contemporary Collectable Canadian prints section. To our European Landscape Painting section, an intriguing allegorical oil painting by the Sweedish artist Reiman has been added.

September. A most attractive Botanical study of summer flowers, which include a secret love message, may now be found in our British Watercolour still life section. A fine Edwardian portrait by Royal Academician artist Francis Dodd has been added to our British Watercolour Portraits section and two charming life drawings studies by Neil Lovisco to our American paintings page. An image of the notorious folk hero Dick Turpin has been added to our Caricature section.

August. We will be continuing to add Napoleonic items to our website this month and have just put up the very rare Battle of Waterloo 'Wellington's moment of victory'. Also take a look at the handsome image of HMS.Victory in our naval section.

July. The classic movie poster for Abel Gance's 1927 masterpeice - Napoléon as preformed in 1981 has been added to our poster collection. Whilst on the subject of Napoleon, we are in the process this month of adding some 15 items to our Napoleonic section,under our Military history index,including the much sought Napoleon on board the Bellerophon as he surrenders to Great Britain. Also don't miss the delightful pair of Louis XVI French wedding caricatures in our caricature section.

June. We have recently acquired a small collection of Canadian WWII. Prisoner of War correspondence from Stalag Luft III from which The Great Escape through tunnel 'Harry' was made, we are pleased to post two examples from the collection, with some scarce copies of German propaganda PoW newspaper to come. Such PoW items rank high on the list of WWII collectables and we are pleased to offer them for purchase.To our Contemporary Canadian print section we add another David Blackwood, a rare Honoris Causa image of 'Man warning two Boys'.

May. To our British Royalty section we have added an exceptional painting of Prince Albert, the Prince Consort,painted just four years after his marriage. A scarce colour portrait of Her Majesty Queen Victoria at her first attendance at the theatre since ascending the throne. Both have been added to our House of Saxe-Coburg section and will make a fine addition to any collection of Royalty items. Whilst touching on the subject of performing arts, three eighteenth century images from the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery have been added to our Theatre section. and to our Military Interest section the Alma Mater of the Dukies -R.M.A.

April. Additional items have been added to our Collectable Autographs section, a quick link to which may be accessed via our Omnium Gatherum page index. Ten charming and humorous illustrations by John Leech to The Comic History of England 1848, have been added to the Caricatures section.

March. We continue to add to our Military section wherein the, now again very topical, splendid image of Balaclava during the Crimean war may be found. Also new, is the iconic Death of General Wolf and Capture of Quebec to our Seven Years War section. Two interesting images were added to the Military Interest section including the Death of the U.S. Continental army hero Gen. Richard Montgomery

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February. We have added a new section to our Military section with items pertaining to the Seven Years War 

January 2014.The tragedy of Canada's greatest maritime disaster is related with the purchase of The Empress of Ireland which has been added to our Canadiana section we also have another poster of the ship, not on our website. Due to a recent downsizing two paintings that were formerly sold are now back on the market J.Warren Gray's Eastern Canadian Landscape and T. Mower Martin The artist's young dogs at play. You can find their details under Canadian paintings in oils, sections 2 & 3.

December.The latter part of November and into this month has seen additions to our Boer War and Waterloo sections. A great pair of suppressed bedroom scenes by Hogarth may be found within our Caricatures section. For Royal watchers, a unique series of original photographs and other collectable memorabelia pertaining to the Royal Tour of Canada and the 1939 plus a  scarce Edward VII corornation souvenir of may now be found in our British Royalty sections. We take this opportunity to thank you our website patrons, and wish peace, health and happiness to you for the festive season.

November. Check out the images of the lively Jack Russell by J.Y. Carrington, the pair are a great buy. An eastern townships landscape has been added to our Canadian oils section, plus a fine floral to our European Still life oils section. A very handsome portrait of the Russian ambassador extraordinairé to the late 18th.century French court.

October. Among the many new additions to our gallery this month is a serene watercolour by the master of marine light, Charles E. Hannaford is a fine addition to our British Marine Watercolours Paintings depicting places in the Isle of Man do not often come on the market we are pleased to have added a fine example to our British Watercolour Landscape section of Castle Rushen one of the finest surviving mediæval castles in the realm. Also an interesting small Canadian oil painting of Saint John NB.may be found in our Canadian Oil paintings section. For collectors of Royalty, Naval, and Collectable autographs this fine image of the young Prince Alfred as a midshipman, together with his autograph, is a real find. Some great dog images have been put up in our Natural History section.

September. Seven more scarce images by Philip Miller, the curator of London's Chelsea Physic Garden, have been added to our botanical section.

August. Links to Edward King etchings and Langley Donges fixed. A richly embellished and extremely rare world map known as The Twelve Cæsars Map by the seminal Dutch cartographer C. J. Visscher has now been posted on our site. Visit our Antique Map Section.

July. One of the most attractive double hemisphere map of its era has been added to our Antique map section. A fine art deco series of London etchings after Edward King may now be found on our Architcture section. A fine Still Life to our Candian oils section and not just one but two recently discovered works by Langley Donges.     

June. Many new acquisitions this month, so keep an eye on this section as we post them to our web site. To our Sporting section a collection of scarce original Ballooning prints have been added. The entire collection of the originals were sold within a day, but the good news is that we do have reproductions available upon rquest. To our Canadian Watercolours -Unclassified section we have posted Tom Bjarnason's original painting of the Eastman E-2 float plane of which there is only one example of the aeroplane extant in Canada, this image was used on the cover of Canadian Aviation Historical Society magazine 1987. An interesting painting by Edwin Morris of historic Kingston, Ontario and another painting have been added to our Canadian Watercolour section. Francis Dodds, who's portraits may be found in the England's National Portrait Gallery, one is also now available for purchase from our British portraits in watercolour section.

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May. Aside from an interesting contemporary Canadian limited edition print of the N.W.Coast,we have added A collection of 18th. Century Battle plans pertaining to the War of the Spanish Succession, the Thirty Years War, and the Duke of Marlborough's campaigns in Europe, also included is the plan of one of the most important battles in English military history and a great item for military tacticians.

April. In celebration of the arival of Spring we have added the complete set of eight Canadian birds by A. J. Casson, mint condition in its elaborate original binding. A recently discovered painting by Langley Donges has been added to our catalogue of Canadian paintings in oil.

March. To our British watercolour section we have added two intriguing military action paintings by a so far unidentifiable artist with monogram JH. and to our sporting autographs two signed photographs of the iconic Muhammad Ali at the height of his prowess.

February. With Oscar fever in the air we have a treat for collectors of entertainment world signed photographs, we have recently acquired 22 autographed photographs of Hollywood stars of yester-year. From the dawn of the Age of Romanticism we have added a fine Alpine view to our Topographical views section. Also to our Military section under Waterloo two scarce images after Dighton, signed by the Duke of Wellington.

January 2013. This new year's first newsletter highlights Keddleston Hall, Derbyshire  (location for the film The Duchess) from our collection of Vitruvius Britannicus, also a new addition to our Canadian paintings in oils.  We have created new section of Topographical views beginning with an original pull of Benjamin Leader's original Chine Colle view Surrey Pines.

December. A manuscript transcription by Sir Walter Scott of Lord Byron's poem is now available through our Manuscripts section also an interesting Italian painting addition may be viewed in our European landscapes. Indeed, it has been a year full of interesting additions and with that we wish all our clients and patrons a happy festive season, a joyous Christmas and we look forward to assiting you with your gift giving selection and collecting into the New Year.

October & November. We have created a new section under Canadiana being Contemporary Collectable Canadian Prints beginning with a fine image by David Blackwood. To our Canadian watercolour section has been added a fine Paul Caron painting.We have also added two interesting marine photographs, one being of the world's largest schooner, plus two splendid portraits of racehorses by Maj. G.D. Giles to our British Oils unclassified section.

August & September. Whilst we take a much needed short holiday, take a look at the scarce image of an R.N.L.I. life boat in action added to our Naval & Maritime section, also the soulfull image of a dog, being Landseer's Retriever and the "The Most Famous engravings of the 18th. Century. For those familiar with Cecil Aldin's splendid and humerous caricatures we have added a cracking pair. And for those who have been to Britain recently particularly for events on the river Thames and enjoyed its liquid history, take a look at this scarce map.

July. A busy month, what with additions to the family picture, with the arrival of my first Grandson! Further additions to British Marine watercolours and three items to our British Royaly House of Saxe-Coburg.

June. A pair of oil paintings that provide a valuable link in racehorse portraiture were added to our British oils - unclassified section also for collectors of Welsh paintings we have posted a watercolour to British Watercolour landscapes and a Bavarian landscape to European Landscapes.

May. A number of new keenly priced paintings have been addted to our Canadian watercolour landscapes and marine sections also Canadian paintings in oil scroll down the sections to locate them and see our current collection.

April. Our monthly news letters are becoming increasingly popular and requests to join our free e-mail subscription list has increased considerably. Should you wish to have your name added to that list please contact us.  Again, please don't forget to mention your specific areas of interest. Two very rare items have just been added: The first depiction of a cricket match in print ever, and a foundation map of Canadian cartography  Also, to our European Marine Paintings section a splendid and lively seascape of fishing boats in a heavy squall by Pieter Dommersen.

We ship world wide

March. A series of images of childhood has been added to our new Juvenalia section and some splendid maps of Ireland from the Elizabeathean and Georgian eras, to our Antique Maps of the British Isles section.

February. A splendid animal portrait by Thomas Mower Martin RCA and founder of the OSA., of his pet Shelie dog has been added to Canadian Paintings in Oils. Earlier in that section you can find a painting of both the artist's pets when they were puppies. This is a lovely painting for dog lovers.

January 2012 A busy start to the new year has seen additions to our Fine Art selection. In British watercolours an exquisite small portrait by Hawkins; to European Landscapes, a small Dumarchey. A quirky asymmetrical MA.J.Fortier to Canadian oils.
At last our Preforming arts section is up, with some interesting delights for Dance, Ballet, Music and Theatre lovers including a scarce Nijinsky Gala poster and a very rare 1825 Handbill from Drury Lane Theatre being an exceptionally rare find for David Roberts collectors.
For collectors of items pertaining to the Napoleonic era, a number of prints relating to the Battle of the Nations have been added.
Further if you would like to be added to our mailing list for our new monthly news letter please contact us, Please don't forget to mention your specific areas of interest.

December2011, We continue to add pictures & autographs to our Autographs section including some iconic and rare items to our Flight and Space Travel section.

November, There are now six sections of collectable autographs put up. See our Autographs Index page.
Just in time for holiday gift giving we had added the first section of very collectable Autographs; Pop Culture,Entertainment,Show business. Many other sections are in the works, a hint of which may already be seen on our Autographs index page. Please contact us should you wish further details on any of these items as each comes with full documentation and certificate of authentication.

October, Under the Performing Arts heading we have now added a number of scarce and choice Ballet and Dance items for the collector.

August & Sept, we reorganized our home page to accomodate a much larger temporary index as we work behind the scenes to redesign the home page. Further research into the Lincoln Manuscript receipt (see May) has determined that it is in fact a clever forgery, in all probability by the hand of Joseph Cosey ca. 1910, it has since been withdrawn from sale.

July, As part of our expanding Manuscript and Autograph collection we have added an original letter written by Charles Dickens the year he published A Christmas Carol.

June, For lovers of Fine Art we have posted some fine paintings from our recently acquired gallery stock. A splendid British coastal marine, A exceptional watercolour example of the work of contemporary of the Canadian Group of Seven, Joachim Gautier; together with an McGillivery-Knowles oil and three collectable examples of paintings by American artists.

May, A rare Abraham Lincoln item has been added to our manuscripts page, which now has a enlarged index which includes our Napoleon letter. We are informed that we are the first to have translated and discovered its significance in over a century.

April, You will find the truly splendid original hand coloured mixed-media engraving Balaclava 25 Oct.1854 by F.Stacpoole after the painting by Lady Butler. One ofonly a handful of copies in Canada, it will make a fine addition to any military collection, and particullarly those of Crimean battles. Two more Napoleonic items have been added the seige of Ratisbon and a manuscript letter from Napoleon.


March, We have added the first of a number of Napoleonic items from a recently acquired wonderful collection of Manuscripts and autographs. Marshal Ney Waterloo dispatch.

February, As Military history is one of our larger sections, we have now added a new and improved Military History Index page.

January 2011, Another year, and in keeping with the tradition of Hollywood new year movie realeases we have just posted our most ambitious mini movie to date. View it on our Lord Russborough's Annex Face book page, or Johannes Kip architecture page.

December 2010, the second in our series of mini movies has now been posted on our Boarding school Education page. We take this opportunity to wish all our clients a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays.

November, the first of a number of mini movies animating some of the interesting items available through our gallery or website has been posted view it on the Elopement page.

October, Lord Russborough's Annex is now on Face book.

September, A scarce item of Napoleonic interest pertaining to the Siege of Leipzig has been added.

August, For those with an interest in the history of South Africa we have added a fine 1909 watercolour of historical record. Click on Fine Art then South African painting

June /July, For any of you that attended boarding school or an English Public School, you might be interested to see the rare pair of images  Black Monday and Dulce Domum now available for purchase, as they are sure to evoke memories. They should be of interest to any one in the field of education and particularly those graduates of Abingdon & Stamford schools, not to mention Old Wykehamists.

June, Just discovered a fascinating Frond of WW1 amusing post cards satirizing the Germans and  very scarce greeting cards pertaining to the Canadian 35 Battalion.

May, As our site has grown we have listened to your pleas and have now added a search engine in order to make your navigation easier to find items directly both within our site and related pages.

March/April, We have been streamlining the site behind the scenes. For lovers everywhere we have posted the consummate Elopement prints. It is worth reading the story behind these splendid images as it makes the images come alive. They can be accessed by clicking Antique prints, at the top of the left panel of our Home page. Then via the sub headings on the Antique Prints page, or either the Coaching or Elopement links. Click on the titles if you wish to see enlargements. These wonderful images are original 19th. century hand tinted images, not re strikes. They would make great gifts.

February, Is Painting month and we have so far posted five works by American painters including two fine works by H. Peabody Flagg. We have also posted some works by Canadian artists including a fine Winchell Price

January 2010, A new decade begins with the the posting of another popular collectable poster from decades past. For Royalty loyalists and enthusiasts alike, a grand collection of Commemorative Coronation Special Issues is now available. And for those who have an interest in Renaissance woodcuts we have posted not just one, but two Dürer's, including a proof of the Angel with the key to the bottomless pit.

December2009, A busy month with encouraging signs that we are coming out of the recession This is the first christmas that sales from our web site overtook sales from the gallery. We did manage to post a beautifully composed view of Bethlehem. This view normally sells for over Cdn $1500, due to damage & repair we dropped the price to just Cdn $300 providing a splendid opportunity to acquire an what is still an original Roberts image at a great price.

October & November, Whilst most of the last couple of months have been spent in assembling and cataloguing a collection of new items for our annual winter show (hard to believe that this will be our twentieth at our Port Hope location) we have posted a fine map of Canada's Great Lakes 1749 during the French regime, and somewhat over twenty David Roberts

September, As we all start to emerge from the global economic downturn some really scarce items the have not been seen for many years are being offered to specialist dealers, who in turn are posting them on their web sites. The savvy collector knows that this is the time to snap up these rarities before the prices start to climb once again. We have just added another rare item for Map lovers - A large Birds-eye view of Winnipeg, Manitoba at the height of its boom era.

August, A rare treat for map lovers with the addition of the magnificent four conjoined sheet map of A NEW MAP OF NORTH AMERICA with the WEST INDIA ISLANDS... as large scale maps are becoming increasingly scarce. Also a 1657 double hemisphere map of the world, showing North America as the Island of Atlantis. Plus a rare map and really scarce print pertaining to the Seven Years War in Canada.

June/July, We have now begun the process of posting our David Roberts inventory, it will take some time to get them all up, so please inquire if you have an area of interest (see the separate index for Holy land and Egypt on the Roberts page.
Many believed that Jerusalem was the center of the universe, indeed the curious votive vase marking the center may be seen in this image (click link), so it is with Jerusalem that we have begun, followed by Bethlehem. Each image is keenly priced to enable first time collectors to enjoy these exquisite images, and every purchased image comes with an extensive catalogue description and is guaranteed 100% authentic.

May, has also seen the addition of a fine view of London's Horse Guards to our Military Interest pages.

Throughout April and May we have been working on preparing more examples from our extensive inventory of David Roberts views of the Holy Land and Egypt. We shall be posting them shortly.

February has seen the re design of our home page and the bringing to the fore the specialty services that we offer as we have received many requests for conservation of works of art, and others have sought appraisal of their collection.We have also made the addition to our Sporting images the quintessential Polo image.

To our Architecture pages, in late January2009,we added an example of a rare colour wood engraving by Arthur Rigden Read

Within our eclectic Omnium Gatherum pages you shall now find the addition of some rare Dürer woodcuts.

In our Manuscripts, selection you may find another fine leaf from a Ca.1425 A Book of Hours
Recently we added to our military collection an extensive selection of Lady Butler war art and original images of Ogden, United States Army uniforms.

Additions have also been made to the extract from our Botanical print collection,

In December2008, we reorganized our Fine art section into categories with indices